Friday, December 22

Figgy and Russ: The Christmas Elves

Guess what everyone?  They're back!!

This year I tried to incorporate new scenes with some of the original ones. I got a few new props over the year from Walmart, The Dollar Tree, The Goodwill, Value Village, Hobby Lobby and stuff I find at my Grandparent's house.  I got some of the ideas off of the internet as well as making my own scenes off of inspiration or suggestions from others.

This was my eighth year doing it and some scenes are more elaborate than others.  I did get a trifold white background to help with the scenes. This year I started on December 1st and did one every weekday until December 22nd.  I put the scenes together the night before and get my photo because they are difficult to put together with the kitties around.

Here are the ones from this year:

Instagram post:  Figgy and Russ open up the celebration of December with a winter wonderland paddle and jet ski adventure.  They want you to get out there and experience adventure and fun with family and friends during this holiday season!  #figgy, #russ, #elfontheshelf, #omd, #jetski, #kayak, #adventure, #winderwonderland

Instagram post: Lights, camera, action!  Figgy and Russ decided to dabble in a little filmmaking.  I was going to share a move joke, but then I realized it was too scripted!  In all seriousness, they take their December job wholeheartedly to give you a magical holiday season. Cut!  #figgy, #russ, #elfontheshelf, #omd, #filmmaking, #camera, #movie, #director, #holidays

Instagram post:  We haven't seen Smalls the trivia shark in quite some time!  He's been hibernating since the last round of questions.  He was woken up with the sound of a scuffle and needed to see what was going on.  Figgy saved the day yet again from the bad shark trying to eat his friends, Russ and Jones.  Figgy is great with a harpoon!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #shark, #harpoon, #boat, #omd

Instagram post:  Uh oh!  The Angry Birds eggs have been stolen by the horrid smug pigs!  Figgy decided to help them out by launching himself into the pig structures before the pigs eat the eggs.  Russ and his bird fans cheer them on in the distance!  Weeeee!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #angrybirds, #eggs, #pigs, #launchparty, #weeee

Instagram post:  The elves sure elf'ed up.  They planned a weekend outing of camping, hiking and relaxing at the campground, but forgot the rest of their s'more's makings.  They had to settle for just marshmallows on a stick.  They weren't too worried though, they were able to star gaze and turns out it was the best constellation prize! #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #camping, #stargazing, #campground, #campfire, #smoresfail, #marshmallows, #omd 

Instagram post:  Free-climbing Figgy and Rapelling Russ took a trip to the climbing wall.  They've never climbed before, so they took the quick class on how to harness up and use the safety ropes.  Safety is the key to be accident free!  As they were climbing, Russ turned to Figgy, "I can't wait to reach the summit," he said peak-ishly. Figgy replied, "I am taking it slow and steady."  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #rockwall, #climbing, #ropes, #harness, #rapelling, #omd

Instagram post:  It snowed this morning in the Figgy and Russ universe (because it sadly didn't in our universe.) They took advantage of it by making a pretty sweet igloo (made by my sister, Erika), they got the sled out and made some snowballs for a snowball fight later on with their friends.  14 days left until Christmas!  #figgy, #russ, #elfontheshelf, #igloo, #snow, #snowcreatures, #sled, #snow, #snowballs, #omd

Instagram post:  How did they get between the floors on the Death Star?  In the ele-Vader!  Haha!  Well, Vader did not like the elves' jokes and used the force to show he was not a fan.  Meanwhile, Ben and I are all caught up on the Mandalorian episodes until they release the new ones.  We finished those a few weeks ago.  No spoilers here!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #starwars, #darthvader, #theforce, #omd 

Instagram post:  This is why you should never play or ice skate on suspicious lakes or ponds because you never know how thin the ice actually is.  Luckily, Russ was nearby to lend a helping hand.  Always let someone know where you are going or go with a friend.  It may save your life!  Happy Holidays, everyone!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #thinice, #rescue, #fallingthruice, #warning, #omd

Instagram post:  Christmas magic meets ocean bliss!  Figgy and Russ took a day off to catch some sun, relax, and spend some time in the water.  With the weather we've been having lately, I miss the sunshine and outdoor activities so bad.  They wish you a beachy Christmas!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #beach, #sand, #beachvibe, #omd

Instagram post:  I woke up to the smell of fresh cookies being made in the kitchen.  Figgy and Russ decided to flex their baking skills before the holidays got too busy.  They must have heard my conversation with Mom about us making cookies on Sunday.  Either way, their sugar cookies will never best Mom's!  10 more days until Christmas!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #bakingcookies, #cookies, #baking, #holidaybaking, #holidays, #omd

Instagram post:  It's game day!  Figgy and Russ get ready for a big NFC match up tonight as the Seahawks host the Eagles on Monday Night Football.  This season is different than what we've been used to over the past 12 years.  Either way, they were tailgating, having a great time and ready for kick off!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #football, #mnf, #Seahawks, #gohawks, #tailgating, #omd

Instagram post:  In between rainstorms, Figgy and Russ went out geocaching with their new friends, Signal and HQ, and has a great time geocaching. It was a great way to get out and explore while learning about a new location, local history, exquisite places to try different cuisine and drinks, but most importantly, to get out there and experience what the world has to offer. #gogeocaching, #geocaching, #groundspeak, #hq, #signal, #signalthefrog, #adventure, #adventurelabs, #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #goingape, #wsga, #cacheadvance, #cachecrate, #ammocan, #omd 

Instagram post:  Figgy and Russ needed a day inside to wrap their gifts. They were running out of days since they purchased their Amazon gifts a little late in the game.  They are hoping that you have all of your stuff done so you can enjoy the rest of your holidays.  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #amazon, #wrappinggifts, #omd, #amazonpackages
Instagram post:  Figgy, Russ and their kitty, Milo, went out for a country drive.  It was going well until they got lost and ended up on top of a pond.  Luckily, that pond was frozen several inches thick, and they were able to drive away without incident.  Happy first day of winter!  Drive safe and be prepared for unpredictable weather!  #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #winterdriving, #firstdayofwinter, #cougmobile, #frozenpond, #daytrip, #omd
Instagram post:  Today is the last day of Figgy and Russ until next year.  They wanted to wear their ugly sweaters for you.  We had a great time entertaining you all with their adventures this holiday season.  Make sure to stop by next December to see what kind of trouble they get into with some new scenes and new adventures.  Thank you to everyone who follows these crazy elves.  Happy holidays and don't eat too much! #elfontheshelf, #figgy, #russ, #uglysweaters, #snow, #daystilchristmas, #omd

See you next December!

Next Adventure:  The Four-Day Christmas Break:  Family Christmas at Ocean Shores

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