Saturday, November 26

Black Friday 2005

Yeah I was dragged into it.  My mom persuaded me to go to the after Thanksgiving sales with her at the butt crack of dawn.  She got me and my sister up around 4 AM.  I basically rolled out of bed in what I was wearing, put some shoes on and zombied my way to the car.  We went down to Centralia to my mom's second home...Walmart.  We got there a half an hour before 5 and had to wait in lines.  The store had the stuff wrapped up in black plastic so you couldn't see what the pile of stuff was.  They also had it taped off so you could not wait in the aisles.  So me and my sister waited in the electronics and watched part of Ice Age 2 for the time being.  I kind of want to watch the whole thing now.  Anywho, as it got closer to 5, they started unwrapping the stuff.  As 5 approached the frenzy began.  Erika went and got the thing mom wanted and as she was getting it, some lady jumped on her and broke her sandal, Erika was mad.  I had no idea where mom went, she got lost in the sea of people.  A couple minutes later some guy yelled..."you all should be ashamed of yourselves"  everyone looked at him...he continued with "you all are bastards!"  I just laughed at him because he was carrying around a whole arm load of stuff.  Telling people they are bastards when he is one himself.  What a moron.  I've only participated in Black Friday three times in my life and this has been the most insane one I have ever witnessed.  People shoving, grabbing, yelling, arguing, blocking the aisles with their grocery carts, flooding the walkways...crazy stuff.  I basically went just to see how crazy people are and believe me, it was entertaining.  I wish I would have brought my camera.