Wednesday, May 31

Visting Nickey in Bellevue, May 2006

Friday morning I went to class with lack of sleep. I had to sleep on the floor while my parents got the bed and my dad snored. Class was alright to say the least. We talked about gambling and how it is ruining the sports industry. Personally, I think gambling is alright as long as I don't lose any money doing it, therefore...I will not do it, it is a waste of time, effort and obviously money. Any who, I got home from class and got my stuffed packed to come home for the long Memorial Day weekend. I took my laundry home so I don't have to do it when I come back...besides everyone who comes home from college takes their laundry home for their mother to do. I feel bad, so I do it myself. By the time I came home from class we had about two hours to burn. So we headed up to Spokane. We went to the White Elephant store...a place me and my dad like to go when we are in Spokane. It is an awesome store filled with recreation stuff, toys and hunting gear...I say it is a well rounded store with the essentials. Who can pass up toys? We spent some time in there browsing. I bought some floatation devices so when it does become summer again...a bunch of us can go down to the Snake River and go swimming. I have three of them, first come first serve. It became 2 PM...the time I should start heading least that's what Nickey said what time to start coming westbound. I hugged my mom and dad goodbye and we went through Spokane. The normal route to get onto the freeway was blocked so we had to go down a secondary route to get onto the freeway. It took us downtown...a place I hate to drive, and we eventually made it to I-90. Mom and dad had to go to Cheney to drop off some money for Erika so they were about 30 min behind me. I had good progress going until I got to Moses Lake. Apparently, something happened to part of the freeway and we had to go a different way. I got there just as it happened. There was a cop and flares in the middle of the roadway. I had no clue what to do next. I went into the town of Moses Lake hoping I could find another way to the freeway. Blindly I made my way through the town and I eventually found a way to I-90. After that, it was a breeze until I got to Ellensburg...I had to get gas. Stopped got gas and peed. After that it was free sailing until I got to Bellevue. It was really weird driving past my exit...Highway 18. I have never gone passed it before. Just before I got into Bellevue it poured down rain like no other. At one point I could not see anything ahead of me except the person's tail lights...that was a good thing since I was not familiar with the area around me. Once I got into Bellevue it was simple from the directions that Nickey gave me. I made it to her house just as she got off of work. I got out of the car and was glad because I had to pee so bad I was just about to die. Nickey was glad to see me and vice's been a while. I was glad to be out of Pullman for a while on the west side. I took some of my stuff in the house and met her parents. I have seen them before during softball a couple years ago but I actually got to meet them. They seemed pretty cool and pretty laid back. Really reminded me of my family, I fit right in. In fact...they started calling me Katie-Val. Haha. I helped get the food ready for dinner. We had tacos and they did have their tacos with ketchup and mayo, very strange. They told me it was like a taco hamburger...I didn't buy it for a second. I told them I eat my tacos with pickles and they thought that was bizzare, I actually thought it was normal, but I guess it's not. After dinner we went and saw the Da Vinci Code. I actually waited because Nickey wanted to see it with me...well that is what she said a couple months ago. I kept my promise and waited. We went with her mom, dad and sister Chrissy. That day Chrissy got a haircut and referred to herself as Shrek. We had fun making fun of her. Anyways, we went and saw the movie...I'd have to admit...I liked the book much better, the movie drug on and on. Plus, when you have to pee and do not want to disturb the people next to you it seems longer. Me and Nickey were kind of disappointed in the movie a bit, but I guess that is what we get for reading the book. After the movie we drove to Dairy Queen and we all got ice cream to celebrate Nickey's birthday since her parents were not going to be around for her real birthday on Sunday. I had fun hanging out with her family that night. We came home and opened gifts. I gave her Becca's gift and she loved it. She said that she was going to get coffee put in it everyday. Next was mine...the one I have anticipated giving to her for weeks now. I think back a couple months ago...I actually told her what I was going to give her...she probably does not remember that. Haha. I did not have time to wrap it up since it was just completed by my mom on the way over to the track meet. So I hid it in with my coat. She found the pillowcase first then I gave her the quilt. She absolutely loved it! I was so happy to finally have given it to her. Her mom shot up from the couch and gave me a hug. She told me that she had always wanted to make a memory quilt but has never done it. She didn't cry like I thought she would along with the others I shared the quilt with. They couldn't believe that I put so much time and effort into a gift like that. I wanted to do something nice for Nickey because I have known her for three years but had never gotten to know her...that was my mistake. I should have from the get go. She deserves something nice like that because she puts so much into her friends that it is time to give back to her. I appreciate everything she does, whether it is the little things or the huge things. I am glad we became such great friends over a small amount of time and I will cherish that friendship forever. We all had such long days we all passed out after opening birthday presents. We got up the next morning and Barb made us some scrambled eggs and toast with OJ. We then went to the Super Mall in Auburn for some shopping. I was there just for fun. I did not have the money to spend or I would have. I beats sitting in my room in Pullman, that's for sure. After that, Richard picked them up and I drove home to hang out with my family for the rest of the day.

Later that weekend, I left my house around 3ish because Nickey was supposed to meet me at the mall but couldn't find the coupon her mom was supposed to give her. She had to go pick up something. Turns out she could not find the coupon so I was driving all the way to Bellevue without the stop. I have been there twice now so I thought I had the directions down. I was pretty close with my memory except for one little thing. That's when I called Nickey. It was squared away. I got there and we watched Sex in the City...there was a reason I did not watch that show. I did anyways. While Nickey got and Chrissy sat there and watched 4 episodes of it, until Frankie got there to watch the Sopranos...which was reruns...haha. By that time everyone else started showing up so we could go to dinner. We drove up to Kirkland to eat dinner at the Cactus. It was a Mexican restaurant. I had one of their drinks...which turned out to be a hot pink drink...oh well it got the job done. For dinner I had a quesadilla, since it was the only thing I knew what it was. It was pretty good. I got to meet Nickey's friends who she works with at the animal hospital. They were fun people. After dinner we had to go back to Nickey's house so her sister could get some more money...while we were there, me and Nickey took a shot and chased it with some beer. It tuned out to be an okay decision. We waited for the rest to show up. We then left and did not get off of the exit we were supposed to get off of, so we continued down 405 until we got to Mountlake Terrace. We got off of there and went south on I-5 until we got off of the exit near Safeco and Quest Field. We went to Tiki Bob's, where we rushed in and peed. No one at the door checked our id's. We got out of the bathroom and Nickey right away found a guy to dance with. She was wayyyy to drunk. At that point she started slurring her words. We took pictures..hehe. Me and Liz laughed...that's all we could do, was just laugh at her. Most of the night she was all up on some guys. The DJ told some girls to get up on the bar and dance...who ever did that would receive a free shot and some cards so the next time we went there (which would be never for me because I do not live in Seattle) we would get in free without the cover price. We got our free shots. It was sweet. I never have danced on top of the bar. When Shakerz was still around I did dance in the cages. After a while it was time to go and we had to contain Nickey. While Chrissy was closing out her tab we kept close tabs on Nickey or she would have gone off with a guy named Chris. She stayed and danced with him where we could keep an eye on her. The tab was eventually closed after about a half and hour and we helped Nickey to the car while Chrissy talked to some guys outside of the bar. We drove up and picked the girls up and left Seattle and drove back to Bellevue. I have never seen Nickey that drunk before, not even in Pullman. I hope Nickey had a great 22nd birthday. I sure had fun hanging out in the city, since I do not ever come up to Seattle unless there is a Cougar football game or a Mariners game to go to.