Saturday, December 9

Erika's Dinosaur Birthday Party

A few weeks ago, I asked Erika what kind of birthday party and what food she wanted since her birthday was coming up quickly.  This was going to be her last birthday party without a child since she was about 3 months pregnant.  She had been sending us the size of the baby each week on her app.  That week the baby was as big as a peach.  Her life was about to get super busy, and we hoped that she and Zac were ready for it.  She told me she wanted a dinosaur themed birthday party with breakfast items.  I told her I could do that. 

We planned for the Saturday before her actual birthday, and I asked what time she wanted everyone to come over and she said around 11 a.m. so we would have the rest of the day to do whatever.  I sent out a text message to everyone and called Grandma to let her know. I heard from everyone that 11 was okay.   

I asked her what kind of breakfast items she wanted.  She told me to give her a few days to think.  I kept reminding her because I had to have some time to go get them.  She understood and finally came up with a decision.  I was shopping for pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, fruit, chocolate milk and orange juice.  

Throughout the week, I had a chance to make it to the Dollar Tree for some decorations and the Friday before I picked up the stuff I didn't have like the sausage, hashbrowns, chocolate milk and orange juice.  I realized that this birthday party was going to be a bit snuggy since we had already decorated the house for Christmas.

The day before, I was able to get all of the food and decorations ready to go.  Sadly, I can't decorate the house before hand, or the cats will rip stuff off of the walls and mess with the tablecloths.  We did set up the tables and chairs, so we didn't have to do them the day of.  I spent some time vacuuming and cleaning up everything.  I could not wait until we didn't have a dog living with us.  Charlie was so smelly and messy.  Vacuuming took forever and I felt super bad for my vacuum cleaner.  It has seriously gone through a lot over the past two years. 

Ben and I got up around 9 and started getting the rest of the stuff done.  I got up the dinosaur backdrop and the dino feet on the walls. We got the tablecloths on and tried keeping Wade off of it.

I started the food around 10:15. I had the sausage going in one pan and the hashbrowns going in the other.  I got the scrambled eggs all mixed up and set it aside for when I had a pan free and got the electric griddle out to start making the pancakes.  I had Ben help me with the pancakes.  We had grapes, bananas and strawberries. 

Everyone arrived near 11 a.m. ready to eat.  The food got done quickly and I had the sausage, eggs and hashbrowns in my food warmer.  I got the fruit on a platter and the pancakes were warming in the oven.  Some people had coffee while others had chocolate milk or orange juice. I made sure I had enough syrup and butter.  I really never know how much food to make for the random amount of people who come over for holidays and birthdays. 

I let everyone know the food was done and everyone got in line with their plates and loaded up.  Erika and Zac had brought mini donuts as well, so we had that addition to the food spread.  We all got our food, sat down, ate and visited.  People asked Erika questions about the baby.  We tried getting her to tell us the names they had chosen for him, and they wouldn't.  We briefly talked about Christmas since it was approaching quickly. 

We finished our food, in fact, everyone inhaled the food and there were no leftovers!  I made just enough food!  Win!  Erika wanted to open presents, so we got her presents, and she opened them.  This year I got her a Yoda planter, a cute narwhale book series I found at the Goodwill and a Garbage Goat T-shirt from when I was in Spokane.  I thought she would appreciate it.  

I was so busy trying to get everything done, I had forgotten to document the decorations, food and our guests.  I did manage to get Erika in front of my dinosaur backdrop holding a bag of peppermint candy someone had gotten her.  She thanked everyone for the gifts, and we started cleaning up.  I am glad cleaning up after breakfast is easy.

Everyone went home and Ben, Doug and I put the house back together.  I left around 1:50 and ran a few errands.  I went to the post office to drop off the Christmas letters and get a couple of international stamps.   I had to be there for a half hour while I waited in line for most of it.  I drove into Hawks Prairie to take care of our actual grocery shopping, stopped by the Goodwill and finished up at Winco.  I got home around 5:15. I was able to sit and relax for a bit working on my blog and watching a couple of my shows. 

Happy Birthday Erika!

Next Adventure:  Christmas Cookies with Mom and Rhonda

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