I had Derek come and spend the night over at Shauna's with me, it would make the day easier, less driving around. He slept on the couch with the dogs and cats and I was in Shauna's bed. 6:50 a.m. came earlier than it really did. He peeked his head around the door, "Val, it's 6:50, you gotta get up." Groan, why did I agree to this? I had a hard time with the garage door. It kept getting stuck. Ugh, why is this doing this at the wrong time? We're gonna be late. Eventually it went down and we got on the road. We got there and Johnny looked rushed. He brought out the booster seats and we moved some stuff to put them in the car. He left for work and the kids gave us a tour of their room, showed us their school work and told us all kinds of other stuff. I started making them sandwiches for our picnic later on that afternoon. We grabbed their stuff and got into the car to head back over to Shauna's. They met the pug dogs and the two cats. I grabbed my caching stuff, my back pack and some snacks and took them outside. We moved the booster seats to Derek's car, since he had more room than I did. We stopped by Safeway for some water, juice and sandwiches for Derek and I. We were on our way to Priest Point Park. I haven't been there in years.
We grabbed our stuff out of the car and found our first one. The kids had fun with this one.
From there we went across the bridge and onto the other side of the park near the water. There we spent time petting other people's dogs and playing on the playground for nearly an hour.
It was nearing lunch time and I was getting hungry. We walked back across the bridge and to the picnic area near the bathrooms. We washed our hands and got all of our lunch goodies out. We had sandwiches, chips, drinks, craisins, brownies and some oranges. A while later a group of people came by and we figured there was an event happening at this area soon. The lady told us we were fine and not to rush because their baby shower wasn't going to start for a while. We finished up, cleaned ourselves out and convinced the kids to find two more before we left to get ice cream.
We walked back to the car, got everyone strapped in and took them to downtown Oly. We parked near the piers and we helped the kids find another cache, one Derek and I already found earlier in the year. Then they wanted to go to the fountain so we walked over there. They wanted to jump through the water. I told them, if you want to get wet you have to suffer the consequences. Remember you guys don't have towels or extra clothes with you...
They were okay with their decision.
We had them all kinda dry off. We walked back to the car and wrapped them up in blankets and extra coats we had in the car. We drove to the nearest Dairy Queen and all of us had dipped chocolate cones and Derek had a blizzard. From there we went to Derek's apartment because he forgot his shirt he was going to wear to prom. We went back to Shauna's house because I had to grab the stuff I wanted to bring with me to the prom and we had to walk the dogs. First, we had to dry the kid's clothes before we went outside. About 20 minutes later, we were on our way to the park with the two dogs and the two kids. We spent some time feeding the ducks. It was almost 4, we headed back. I had to take the kids over to my house to be with my mom for an hour or so until Johnny got off work. We gathered their stuff and headed over to my house. We took out the booster seats, their coats and the other stuff they brought with them and left them with mom. I had to get over to Beki's house.
We drove both cars because I had to go back to Shauna's and Derek had to go home afterwards. We got to Beki's around 5 and her bbq was starting to wind down. She had Adam make us some hot dogs. A little while longer she was ready to do my hair and make up, something she's wanted to do our whole lives. I've known Beki just about my whole life too. We set up shop in the bathroom, she started with my hair. She made it simple yet pretty. Then she plucked my eyebrows (that sucked!) and she did my make up. It made me look older. A fight between Dorothy Ann and Adam broke out so it was time for us to leave, plus it was getting close to the time the dance was going to start. I thanked Beki and we were on our way to the Lacey Community Center.

It poured the entire time we were at the dance. When we got there I was greeted by Ross, Meldrum, Beth and her mom, Mrs. Dickinson and several others. We had our picture taken (notice my shoes in the picture) and then we stood in our area the entire night yelling at kids to stop dry humping each other. Ross had to take some aside to scold. I danced with Derek on the last song of the night, we were given a deck of cards and some chapstick as prom souvenirs. I told Derek bye and headed out to Shauna's. I took a shower as soon as I got there. Ate a hot pocket and passed out!
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