We stopped at the Federal Way rest stop, the one near Wild Waves, because there were a few caches we wanted to get and they were fairly easy and Grandma had to go potty. We did the Have You Hugged a Muggle Today? Mostly because we had to go into the bathrooms to do it and we thought the final would be in the rest stop. It wasn't, it was 3+ miles away from the rest stop. We were heartbroken. Oh well. We went for the other one along the fence line east of the bathrooms, Rest and Cache. Mom spotted it as I walked past it twice.
We headed north to Seattle. It really didn't take us that long to get there. We wanted to go and find the gum wall one, Double Bubble Toil & Trouble. We parked at the piers and walked up to Pike's Place Market and walked around a bit then walked downstairs to Post Alley and the famous gum wall. This was Grandma's first time to the wall. It is the second germiest place on earth, right behind the Blarney Stone in Ireland. We looked and looked and looked for the cache. We saw some other cachers from New Jersey also looking. We had to get back to the car soon because our time was gonna expire. We gave it a good one more once over and had to abandon it for another day. We were so upset we failed again.
We walked down to the car and added more money to the meter and spent some time on the pier. We went into a few shops along the way. Mostly we went down there to geocache. We went to North...to Alaska! first, a virtual cache that had to do with part of the pier. We figured out all of the questions, took our pictures and moved on down the pier.
We went to Mimi and Papa's 50th down beyond the charter boat area to a picnic area. I knew we were probably looking for a nano underneath one of the picnic tables. This is where it sucked. I could see the nano underneath the table a muggle was sitting at. We really wanted to get it so we told her what we were doing and not to be alarmed. She was totally fine with it. We grabbed it, signed it, documented it and put it back as quick as we could.
We walked further south down the piers to Seeing Seagulls. We knew exactly where this one was going to be, at the Ivar's restaurant. I love that place. It was in the statue outside the fish bar.
We could have gone for more but it was about that time to head on over to Safeco plus Grandma was getting a bit tired. We walked to the car and headed over to our usual parking spot near the DSHS building (my uncle Robin works there.) We found out they took most of the parking spots away on Massachusetts Ave and saved them for the metro buses. Oh well. We got out and saw that there was one less than 100 feet from the car. So we went and searched for it. It was called So...D'oh. It had some great cammo. We found it right away while mom and grandma started walking to the stadium.
We headed over to the stadium after we carefully put the cache back together. There was another one we had to get before going into the game, Hit It Here! I could see how this would be hard grabbing before a game with all the people walking around. We were here at the right time. I saw it, snagged it before anyone saw me, and Derek and I signed it. Putting it back was easier than retrieving it.
We met up with mom and grandma shortly after we descended off the ped walkway near the Safeco. It was train night and we all got a boxcar. The series has been going since 2002 and there are about 12 trains in all. We all had our tickets, went in, had them scanned, bag check and went and found our seats. They were awesome seats. About 30 rows up from home plate slightly towards the third base side.
Derek, grandma and I went and got food to bring back to our seats. Mom held down the fort. It took forever to get everything and I had to bring mom's to her as well. We had Ivar's and grandma had a pulled pork sandwich.
The Mariners beat the Tampa Bay Devil Rays 7-0. There were multiple home runs hit, a couple of broken bats and some great double plays.
We grabbed our stuff, headed back to the car and went home. It was a great day and the bonus was the great weather.
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