We found a good place to dock. It was grassy and the boat wouldn't disappear. We put our oars inside the boat and headed towards the cache by foot. The terrain wasn't that bad until we hit this one spot on the shoreline where the rocks got really hardcore and the walkway got really narrow. We literally had to climb carefully around the bend. I made it over and Derek got his shoe wet, very close to falling in. We got closer and closer to the cache. We saw that it was up on the island and not on the shoreline. We had to do some climbing. We found the fallen tree it was underneath.
We put it back in its hiding place and walked back down the shoreline to our boat. This time it was much quicker because we knew the terrain already. Even going past that scary part of the shoreline was easier. We got to our boat, I took a quick pee since we'd be in the boat for a while, we packed up and shoved off.
Near the halfway point, our legs and feet started falling asleep. I could not wait to get to shore where the car was. It seemed like it took forever. We got to shore and we could hardly get out of the boat, our legs were dead. We took a moment and regained the feeling back in our legs and feet. That whole adventure took about 2 hours to complete. We deflated the boat and let it dry off a bit before putting it back in the bag. We wanted to find some more so we got back onto Hwy 7 and headed east towards Elbe.
We stopped at the Rocky Point Campground and found, What's the Point? We had to wait until a family of picnickers left the area to attempt to find this one. Once they left, we got yelled at by the park host because we parked illegally, fixed that problem ASAP. While Derek moved the car I found the cache hidden in a hole on a post. Pretty sneaky but I've found ones similar to it before.

We drove into Elbe, a small mountainous town, south of Mt. Rainier. We parked the car near the boxcars and walked to Addiction #2 and Feathers n Fur Tour. Addiction #2 was on the old train just off the highway.

We walked over the bridge and to the other side of the river to the Feather n Fur Tour.

We took the long way around...again. We came up on a bird house, it had to be the cache. Sure enough, it was. I took the TB.

We walked back to the car and drove west on Hwy 7 to One Horse Town. We walked down a mini trail almost to the shoreline of the lake. Derek walked past it and I grabbed it and said, here it is! He was flabbergasted that he walked past one that was so obvious.

We headed back home. On the way our first pit stop was Galvanized #1 at the Alder Dam viewpoint. We found it on the guardrail.

We tried the earthcache, Earth in Decay, we weren't prepared enough to actually do it, maybe another time.
We stopped just east of Eatonville at the UW pack forest area for the Caution Not Child Resistant cache. It was an easy grab and Derek got scraped by the metal sign.

We even got to see Monks while driving through.
Just after the Ohop Valley, we went for Irrelevant Information, which in my books is a very good hide. Very tricky and used the surroundings brilliantly.

We stopped by RapJohn Lake and snagged Lights Out. Our first flashlight cache.
Our last one of the night was Jackson Road Dead End and it was off of the 702 from Hwy 7 to 507. It was getting dark but we managed to find it tucked underneath some moss near the ground.
Ten was the perfect amount for this adventure. I will probably hit 700 sometime later this week.
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