A while ago I heard that we were going to have another palindrome week this year and what made it really memorable was that on Tuesday it was going to be Two's Day - 2/22/22. Of course, there was going to be a geocaching event, Let's Celebrate Twos-Day on 2/22/22 at 2:22 p.m. (GC9MGG2). Crap, it was on a weekday and those are hard to get time off for, especially in the middle of the day. The only thing I could do was move my lunch from 11:30 to 2:00 instead and have that free hour to do my event. Now, I had to hope that Tuesday wasn't going to be stupid busy. I had my fingers crossed and hoped that the company that did our reviews didn't work on President's Day or I wouldn't be able to go.
This was the 439th day that I've been working from home. I really didn't want to get out of bed because it was pretty cold that morning and coming off of a three-day weekend is always brutal, but the silver lining was that it was a short work week. Some places in the south sound got some snow. Well, it forgot Lacey because we had none whatsoever. I was a little jealous. I did my work throughout the morning. It was going perfectly until our PT lady got behind and I had to wait for her work to come over. I had everything else done and was just waiting for that. I did eat my lunch while I worked because 2 p.m. is a little late for eating lunch when we have it around 5:30-6:00. During my lunch time I was doing PT and my ten phone calls. I got everything pretty much done before 2.
I changed my clothes really quickly because it was like 20 degrees outside, and the wind made it seem like it was colder. I jumped into the Escape and drove to the park. It was like a 5–7 minute drive. I found the shelter everyone was congregating at, got out and joined them. I signed the logbook, said my hi's, chatted about stuff and waited until 2:22.
We took a quick group photo. OhJoy gave us coords for the cache, The Other Half (GC9MH9H), that was supposed to publish at 2:30, so we could get our second cache to allow us to get the souvenir. It was nice to see friendly faces again. Since the pandemic, we haven't had very many events. I think I've been to three and this one makes it four since March 2020. Before the pandemic, we were going to like 6 or 7 of them a year.
Once the cache published, we all walked to it as a group along the trail on the edge of the park. The wind was very cold, and I wore my mask just to keep my face warm.
By the time I signed it, I had to start walking back to the Escape so I could get back home before 3. I managed to get home on time. Then I found out my massage (the thing I look forward to every month) was canceled for the next day because my massage therapist had to have knee surgery. I was so bummed out! The rest of the workday, I did my spreadsheets and got ready for the next day.
I was super thankful everything worked out to where I could go to the event. I just wish Covid would go away completely so we can finally go back to normal. These past two years have been rough.
Happy Two's Day!!
Next Adventure: February: Weekday Dinners from Around the World
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