I have been keeping written notes on the lake caches in the area that I still needed to get. Some of them, unfortunately, have been slowly getting archived. A bunch of them you had to be qualified to go get so I have been waiting to get them as I become qualified to do so. One of those caches was on Offut Lake, out by Tenino, so I planned to grab that one but didn't want to load up the kayaks on the Esscape just to get one. I looked at the map and saw there was a traditional one we could also get on Munn Lake in Tumwater.
I asked Mom what she was doing and if she wanted to go kayaking for a couple hours. She said sure. Of course, we would pick the smokiest day of the year to go. Oh well, it's a summer day we can't waste. She drove out to Lacey, and she helped me put the kayaks on the top of the Escape. It took a little while, but I am glad I have that step stool. We got everything secure and headed out towards Tumwater. We chatted about a lot of random things on the way there.
I haven't been to Munn Lake in years. The last time I came out this way was to get the traditional cache at the boat launch. Every time I looked at my geocaching map of ones I needed to get; this traditional boat cache stared at me. I always planned to do it and even considered bringing the kayak to work and doing it after work on my way home on a nice day. That never happened, obviously.
We get to the boat launch and drove down to the bottom. I found a place to pull over so Mom and I could take the kayaks off the room of the Escape. That took a few minutes with the step stool. I made sure each kayak got a paddle before I drove up the hill to park. I left Mom with the kayaks. I quickly displayed my Discover Pass, changed into my water shoes, grabbed my backpack, my hat, my sunglasses, locked the Escape and joined up with Mom.
I helped her get her kayak into the water and held it steady so she could climb inside. I hopped into mine after shoving my bag into the watertight compartment. She asked what direction we were going, and I checked my phone and pointed in the general direction of where the cache, N.W.T.E v 2.0 (GC7PQF7) was. From the boat launch, it was on the east side of the lake. Off we paddled. Munn Lake is a smaller lake and is popular for fishing boats, kayaks and paddle boarding. You will not find jet boats speeding around this lake.
There really weren't that many people out on the lake due to the smoky atmosphere. There was a couple of other kayakers, but they were on the other side of the lake. I checked my phone again and let her know how much further we had to go. It was a nice, quiet, leisurely paddle on the lake. We got closer and closer, and I tried to guess where I thought it was going to be along the shoreline.

We floated closer to the posted coordinates, and I saw the log with the long snag protruding out of the water, as the hint described. Mom watched as I maneuvered the kayak into a good position to start looking for the cache. I pulled up right beside it and made the find. It was a tethered film cannister wrapped in black electrical tape. It shouldn't go anywhere unless someone takes it. I signed our names, got a few pictures and put it back. I used the paddle to push myself backwards out of the log jam.
We took our time paddling back. We noticed some people over by the boat launch getting into innertubes to hang out. We paddled slowly by the lily pads. Mom enjoyed looking at the flowers. I was glad there were no bees and little to no mosquitos trying to get us.
We made our way back to the boat launch avoiding the people in the innertubes. I hit shore, secured my paddle and got out. I helped Mom steady her kayak so she could get out without falling in. We each grabbed the ends of our kayaks and walked them up to an area out of the way so I could bring the Escape down and pack up the kayaks. I grabbed my orange backpack out of the compartment and tossed it into the Escape.
I walked up the hill and brought the Escape down. I got out the step stool and Mom helped me secure them to the racks. The strap downs were a good investment with the gift card Ben, and I got a few years ago. They are easy to use and bright red so you can see them. I asked Mom if she had everything, she nodded and we got on the highway to our next destination, Offut Lake.
We drove down Hwy 99 and then turned off onto Waldrick Road. We followed Waldrick Road and turned when we saw the public boat launch sign. This is another lake that I've only been to the boat launch for. Years ago, there was a geocache at the boat launch and has been archived since. I have never been on this lake, so this was going to be my first time.
I followed the driveway down to the boat launch. This boat launch was steeper than the one at Munn Lake. I found a place to pull over so Mom and I could take the kayaks off the room of the Escape. That took a few minutes with the step stool. I made sure each kayak got a paddle before I drove up the hill to park. I left Mom with the kayaks. I backed the Escape into an open spot, this boat launch was a little busier, I quickly grabbed my backpack, locked the Escape and joined up with Mom.
Again, I helped her get her kayak into the water and held it steady so she could climb inside. I hopped into mine after shoving my bag into the watertight compartment. I checked my phone and figured out where we needed to go. Eeyore's Catch-all Challenge - a Paddling Cache (GC4RCP5) is a cache I have been qualified to get for a while. I am not sure why I didn't find the time to go out and get this one. Here we are!
From the boat launch, it was on the west side of the lake, and we had to paddle out and around to get to where we needed to go. It was going to be a longer paddle. We set off. The wind picked up a bit which made for a choppy paddle, but we really weren't in a hurry. The smoke was thicker down here, and you could see it on the horizon of the lake. There were more people out enjoying the lake compared to the other one earlier. There were paddle boarders and people fishing off the shoreline.

Once we got to ground zero, I wasn't sure if I had to get out of my kayak or not. I am sure the time of year mattered with this cache with the lake level. I got closer to the log and found out I was at the correct one. Yep, I had to dismount my kayak. A small frog sat on top of the cache container. I moved him so I could open and sign the logbook. He jumped onto the kayak because I invaded his space. I put the cache back, got the frog to sit on a stick while I put him back near the hiding spot and he stayed!
I got back into my kayak and off we went to the boat launch again. I was reminded that the Lady of the Lake restaurant was here. I've never eaten there before. I will have to remember this was here so we can go try it someday.
We approached the boat launch and drifted onto shore. I got out first so I could help Mom get out of her kayak without falling in.
We each grabbed the ends of our kayaks and walked them up to an area out of the way so I could bring the Escape down and pack up the kayaks. I grabbed my orange backpack out of the compartment and walked back up the hill to the Escape. I clicked it unlock, got in and tried to start it. It acted like the battery was dead. This was a new battery. What is happening?
OH NO! I do not have time for this kind of stuff, especially in an area with really poor cell phone service. I walked down to where Mom was and told her that my car was dead. We grabbed the kayaks and walked them up the hill closer to the car. I called Ben and told him what was happening. He really couldn't help us since he was on shift. He was able to suggest some stuff though. Then I called Dad because we were stranded. Dad said to sit tight while he gets some tools, and he will be there in a bit.
Mom grabbed a rock and tapped the battery terminals; it made a whir sound and the Escape turned back on. I asked what she did, and she said she just tapped stuff. Well, whatever she did, it made it work. We hastily put the kayaks back on the Escape, made sure they were secure and headed home. We called Dad to let him know we got the Escape started and to meet us at my house. He said okay. I was so frustrated with the car. Why was it doing that? Are the terminals bad? The connectors? The wires?
We got home and Dad tightened all of the connections to the battery. He did explain that when you start the car a lot of power goes through the connections to the battery, and it may loosen over time. This is a pretty new car, so I didn't understand why it was doing it. I've never had a vehicle do that before. I thanked him for coming out to look at it.
Well, that outing turned out to be way more exciting than we planned it to be. I am glad we were able to get out and enjoy the day and grab those caches before they are archived. Mom and Dad went home, and I grabbed my shopping list and took care of some grocery shopping for the week.
**Ben did schedule me an appointment with Ford in September, and I took time off of work to bring in my car. They found absolutely nothing wrong with it. So, I have no idea.**
Next Adventure: An Oregon Adventure: Geocaching, Breweries and Some Disc Golf
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