It was going to be somewhat of a nice-ish weekend, with some showers here and there, so we decided to sleep in a little bit, eat breakfast (Ben made breakfast burritos) and go find a few caches in the area. They seemed to be popping up all over the place lately. There wasn't much going on today because it was Sunday, there weren't any football games on and it was more of a chill day since we got most of our chores done yesterday.
As we ate breakfast, I made a list of caches we could get in the area. I focused in on the Hawks Prairie area around Martin Way. There were about five we could grab before it got dark outside. We finished breakfast and got warm clothes on. We get into the Escape and head to Lois Lake, off of Carpenter Road for our first cache Zodiac Series: Aquarius (GC8HDH6). I saw there were some parking coords so we parked at those and had to wait a minute because someone was in the middle of the road and couldn't decide what they were doing. They eventually moved and we were able to park and walk down the bark chipped trail.
We followed the coords down the trail to the edge of the lake. There, it took us a minute to find the right tree. We signed our names, got a picture and took the travel bug to move onto it's next destination. We saw the ducks swimming in the pond as we placed the cache back into its hiding spot.
We drive towards Hawks Prairie to pick up one called Dirty Caterpillar (GC8D0Z9) near the Dutch Bros. We parked as close as we could using the Escape to obstruct the views from the people in the drive thru line. We get out and hope that we can spot it quickly. Ben ended up finding in in the shrubbery, we took the cache and signed it in the Escape to avoid muggles watching us. Ben gets out and puts it back where we found it.
Next, we drove over to the Puerto Vallarta parking lot to try and find Lots of Options Here >:) (GC8AVNQ). We parked near the cache and started looking. I knew we were looking for a nano in an obvious but obscured place. We just had to check all the blocks until we found it. There it was, a black nano that fit perfectly in the center hole of the blocks. We sign out initials and put it back exactly where we found it.
We get back onto Martin Way and drive towards the cinemas. Our next one was Behind Thy Scenes (GC8G7JV) and it was tucked between the cinemas and furniture store, on the edge of the parking lot down near below I-5. You could actually see I-5 from the cache zone. We followed the mini trail to the trees. There was a small bucket hanging from a stick in the crotch of two trees. We had to dump out some of the water that accumulated inside. We signed our names and put it back. There was no way to keep water out of this container. Oh well.
Our last one of the day, LPC...NOT! (GC8EEA3) was on the other side of the cinemas in the opposite lot near The Rock Pizza restaurant. We park as close as we can and we see the lamp post and knew it wasn't going to be there because of the title of the cache. There was a retention wall keeping the bank stable so we started looking in all the holes. According to the cache page, being tall would give you an advantage so I had Ben look. He found it quickly and it wasn't as high up on the wall as we thought it was going to be. We signed our names and put it back where we found it.
We drove back home and got home around 3:30. It was a nice little outing for some fresh air, some walking and it only rained on us a little bit. We hung out with Calvin and watched some TV before making dinner, washing some clothes and getting ready for the upcoming work week.
Next Adventure: More Caching in Hawks Prairie and Palindrome Day (Super Bowl LIV)
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