Friday, June 1

New Job and a Night Out with the Tacoma Rainiers

This past week was exhausting.  I was getting ready to leave L&I to join WSDOT.  I found out my first day at WSDOT was going to be June 1.  It was a Friday and according my new supervisor I was going to be in training all day...lucky me.  It was weird starting at 8 a.m. again because for the past two years I've been getting up early to get to work by 7 a.m.  The traffic was different, the drive was different and I had no idea where I was going to park.  I asked dad the night before where I should park so I didn't have to pay.  He told me a buddy of his parks at one of the nearby churches and walks the few blocks.  That's what I was going to do.  My building was next door to DES, where my dad worked so he knows the area pretty well.

I got there a little early because I would probably have to go through all the new employee stuff.  I told the receptionist that I was new and starting today.  She had me wait for a bit while the security guy got his stuff ready to get my picture for my badge.  It was so low tech compared to L&I's process.  After I got my badge I headed up to the second floor C-wing to my desk.  I dropped off my stuff and went to see my supervisor.  The day was going to be eaten up by new employee orientation.  The first hour she took me around to meet everyone that was here today.  Several people were on the road with different assignments.

Then I spent pretty much all day in new employee orientation with an hour lunch in the middle of it.  A lot of it didn't really apply to me since I was already a state employee who just moved agencies.  We were let out with just over an hour of work time left so my supervisor went over a couple of things with me before leaving for the weekend.  It was so dumb that I had my first day of work on a Friday and then a weekend.  Oh well.  She asked me where I parked and told her a few blocks down the road at a church because I didn't have a piece of information to finish filling out the worksheet online for parking privileges.  Yes, I had to play $35 a month to park on Capitol Campus.  She had offered to drive me to my Escape so we left a little bit early from work.  I went with it because I had to get to my house and change my clothes for the Tacoma Rainier's game.  Mom and grandma were going to meet me there.

She disclosed that she had a bad habit of smoking.  I could tell when she talked to me that she was a habitual smoker.  I hate the smell of cigarettes so luckily it was only a few short minutes.  I told her how to get there and she took a few minutes to ask me a few questions about my first day and WSDOT.  I answered them honestly and she followed up with that they were really excited to get me and that I would be getting at least a 10% raise by the end of September.  Then she said something about me changing my mind and leaving and asked me point blank if I had any plans on leaving.  At that point I didn't because if I went back to L&I, I would be in the mailroom again.  I didn't share this but I still hadn't heard back from the L&I program assistant job yet and it was killing me.  I thanked her and headed home to change.

I changed as quickly as I could because I had no idea when mom and grandma were going to get there.  We had asked Erika if she wanted to go but she had school work to do.  Ben couldn't come because he was working and Trish and Amy didn't want to make the drive to Tacoma last minute.  The tank rolled up and mom got out to make me drive.

The drive to Tacoma was relatively smooth until a lady tried to merge into my lane without looking and almost hit us.  I honked at her and yelled that she was stupid and needed to learn how to drive better.  Since we got a lateish start all the parking near the stadium was full so we were detoured to a overflow parking lot just up the street and walked down the path to the stadium.

We stood in line, got our stuff checked through security and headed in with our tickets.  Once we were in there we weren't sure where to go.  We just followed where we thought we were suppose to go and eventually saw the sign for Yelm Dental.  We were on one of the party decks.  We thought we were going the right way and got turned around and corrected when we told them which party we were a part of.  We got wrist bands and ushered into the area with the rest of our group.  We were on the ground level party deck next to the bullpens.

There were hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, macaroni salad, drinks and ice cream for desert.  There was no limit on food.  There was a bouncy house for the kids, chairs and tables to watch the game against the Salt Lake Bees.  It was insane compared to last year when we went.  Since it was "Night Out with the Tacoma Rainiers" we got a firework display at the end of the game.  Mom gave me the camera to take pictures.

Throughout the night I chatted with a bunch of people, ate food and took pictures.  We talked to people about Ecuador and my new job.

Just before the 7th inning stretch, a bunch of us headed over to the team store to do some shopping.  Dr. Smith had given everyone who worked at the office a gift card to purchase a gift for themselves.  Mom got a visor and was made fun of by some of the girls from the office because apparently visors are lame.  A few of them were drinking and you could tell.  While we were waiting in line I heard them start Take Me Out to the Ball Game.  I am not usually one to cause a commotion in public but I started singing Take Me Out to the Ball Game and everyone (there were a good 30 or so people) who were crammed in the team store sang along with me.  It was hilarious!  Afterwards there were quite a few high fives.  We paid for our stuff and headed back to the party deck area.

We watched the remainder of the game in which the Rainiers beat the Bees 4-1.  I made sure I got a good viewpoint of the fireworks after the game.  There was a good 15-20 minutes of fireworks.  My first show of the summer season.

We thanked Dr. Smith and said goodbye to everyone.  We walked back to the tank in the overflow lot and headed back to Lacey.

There, mom dropped me off and Ben and I started getting some of our stuff ready for tomorrow's adventure to the Oregon Coast for Amy's birthday.

This was going to be a busy weekend.

Next Adventure:  Driving Down to Depoe Bay, Oregon for Amy's 30th

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