Thursday, September 4

My New Car and Seahawks Opening Night!

I got up in the morning really excited.  Ben came over after he got off work, we hung out, ate lunch and got cleaned up and ready to go for our day.  We left after noon and got to the Ford dealership as quick as we could.  Traffic was a little heavier than it usually was because school had started and the Puyallup Fair opened tomorrow.

We told Trish we were here and we met her up in her office upstairs.  She was so excited.  She was texting me the night before until almost midnight.  She had all the paperwork inside a folder with a red bow on it.  It was adorable.  We went downstairs and I got into my new car.

We drove it to the DOL and she had them transfer the title over to me.  To save money she gifted it to me and it only cost $37.50 instead of some ungodly amount.  We signed a few papers and off we went.  I had Ben walk next door and grab us a few drinks for the ride back to their house in Bonney Lake.  We had to pick up Amy from work and when we got up the hill and on our way to the house, we actually forgot about Amy for a few minutes.  Whoops.  We turned around and she was ready in the parking lot.

We got to the house and saw Trish's new car, a blue Hyundai Tucson, she was really excited and proud to show it off.  I went and sat inside to look at what it offered.  It was a pretty nice car.  She had to go back to work so we let her go.  Ben and I got a hold of Josh to tell him the new plan.  We wanted to hang out with him and his girlfriend Sam, but also hang out with Trish and Amy so we had everyone come to the house for pizza and the Seahawks. 

We drove back down to Puyallup to pick up Ben's truck, came back up the hill to get his haircut and then stood in a ridiculous line at Papa Murphy's for two pizza's for dinner.  Traffic was getting full retarded so we drove a back way to his house.  We had Amy start the oven so it would be ready by the time we got there.  Josh and Sam arrived, then just before halftime Trish got home.  We all had pizza, beer and watched the Seahawks destroy the Packers.  What a great day!

Next Adventure:  Doing the Puyallup


Unknown said...

It seems like both of you were very excited about your new cars. How is yours doing nowadays? I hope you’ve taken good care of it, and that you’ve been driving safely. That being said, pizza, beer, and football sounds like a great time! I hope you still indulge in little joys such as these every now and then. Thanks for sharing!

Diana Hayes @ Baldwin Subaru

Newton said...

The night we drove to the car dealer to pick out anew car was an amazing experience. The place was close to locking up for the night, and the staff was down to a few. We made a real low-ball offer and were surprised the salesman took the offer without an issue and got us on the paperwork in record time that night.

Newton @ Fiesta Nissan

Anonymous said...

I am sure you are thrilled to have a new car. It looks great too. I love the color and the interior. I remember when I bought my first car. I had worked for 5 years through high school and college to be able to afford it. It was such a good feeling when I finally went to get it.

Eleanor Nelson @ Performance Auto VA