Tuesday, December 4

My Yakima Visit, December 4

I got up once again to two dogs jumping up and down on me with excitement.  I grabbed my shoes, my coat, hat and gloves and headed outside and into the car with Shannon and the dogs.  It had rained the night before so there was standing water in certain areas of the soccer fields that I didn't see until I walked through it and got my shoes and socks wet, mind you it was dark.  We were there for about 45 minutes.  We loaded up the dogs and headed home.

Shannon got ready for work, Willmarth played with the dogs and I went back to bed for a few hours.  I was exhausted.  I got up around 10:30 because I had to pee really bad and it was time to get stuff done.  I came out and the dogs were very happy to see me and Willmarth was asleep in the chair.  I had a cinnamon roll, banana and some graham crackers for lunch.

Shortly after, we got ready and headed down to town to do our errands.  Our first stop was the WorkSource place to figure out paper work.  He said he was the only white person in the building.  While he was doing that, I walked over to the cache that was out in the parking lot.  He was in and out quickly.

We then, drove to downtown Yakima to Millennium Park.  We parked the car, two free hours and visited the little plaza in the middle of this grassy area.  We spent some time looking for the cache that I could not find.  I did do the challenge on the saddle.  We walked along Main Street looking at the Cougar flags.

We stopped in a store to get something to drink and turned around at the Convention Center and walked back to the van.

We picked up a Twinkie figurine from some lady who posted it on Craigslist.  Since Hostess went out of business this stuff is ridiculously sought after.  We went to the Safeway nearby for stuff for our chicken burritos and headed to Verizon before going home for the night.

We ate our burritos, watched some TV and afterwards drove the dogs to a local school and let them loose inside a place Willmarth called the "impound."  We went and got ice cream from the ice cream store and went back home.  We watched more TV, did some internetting and relaxed.  I read my book and went to bed.

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