Monday, October 22

Wood Pictures

My mom and I were looking through some of the crafts on Pinterest to get some ideas for our office party in December.  This year everyone decided to make our gifts instead of buying them.  When it was my turn to pick someone I hoped I didn't get someone difficult to get stuff for.  Luck was not on my side.  I got one of the hardest people to make something for.

We came across this video:

Source: via Val on Pinterest

This was a great idea.  We had to try it.

Last Friday we went into town with our list of supplies we needed.
  • Block of wood
  • Gel medium
  • Mod Podge
  • Sand paper
  • Cheap brushes
We got the brushes, sand paper and wood at Lowes.  We had the guy in the lumber area cut it up for us because we knew it would not fit in the car and it would be sitting in the house waiting to be cut for months.  We went to Michaels to see if they had the other supplies we needed.  They didn't and I was disappointed because we really didn't want to go to the west side of Olympia.

We grabbed the gel medium and Mod Podge at JoAnn's.  The line was insane!  We got through the line and headed home.

Sunday I decided to give it a try.  I sanded the edges of my wood, found two pictures that were worthy of being put on wood and gave it a go.  I brushed the gel medium on the wood and now I am waiting for it to dry over night.

The sanded wood ready to have gel medium painted on.

The pictures I chose to put on the wood.

After painting gel medium on wood surface, pictures placed face down and all the bubbles smoothed out.  Now we wait for it to dry over night.

Now we play the waiting game...

Update:  10/22/12

I didn't use enough gel medium on the wood so my picture didn't turn out.  I will attempt it again sometime before Halloween.

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