My alarm went off and I got up and got everything I would need that day together. I put my clothes on, made a sandwich, etc. Then Bob showed up with his truck. He grabbed my bike and slung it in. We took the next hour and a half and talked about caching stuff. Cool ones we've encountered, fun stories about caching etc. We did stop for a potty break at the Toutle Lake Rest Area. There, I waited for Bob while I ate my Lucky Charms.
We got to Scappoose and headed to the beginning of the trail. We grabbed one before we actually parked and got our bikes out. We didn't realize that we were gonna have to go down hill and then back up it. So we decided to do a few and then ride back to the truck and then drive the truck to another parking spot...we did this three times so we didn't have to work as hard up the hill. When we got closer to town, we just parked the truck and walked to the close ones.

There was one multi near the beginning that we really enjoyed. We were given coords to a container and within the container was a door bell ding donger. From the coords, we had to walk 18 steps down the trail pressing the button we got until we heard a ding dong. We did, it was coming from a bird house and the cache was a few feet below it. It was very well put together. We both gave it a favorite point.

Most of the caches on the trail were hanging micros and smalls buried in moss, sticks and rocks. A typical power trail. I hit my 2800th cache while doing the CZ Trail.
We got into town and grabbed a few before we found the road we needed to be on to get to the rest of the trail caches. We ate snacks as we went from cache to cache in the truck. I brought a sandwich with me and Bob had some Cheetos.

We found the parking lot, parked the truck, grabbed the bikes and we were on our way to the end. We saw a few people walking their dogs and people with small children enjoying the nice afternoon. A few of them stumped us but we prevailed. We came across an evil micro and Bob made the find. We almost didn't find one but on our way back we grabbed it. It really depends on what angle you are looking at it from. The views from the trail were pretty cool, especially on a really nice day. We reached the end of the line and celebrated.

We rode back to the truck. Once we got back, we put the bikes into the truck and grabbed some down the road. There was one that really wasn't there so we moved on. We grabbed as many as we could along Highway 30. We grabbed one in the cemetery, near the cinemas, out by the airport.

There was even one we had to use the cooler for because we were both too short to reach it. One of our last stops was near the Scappoose Bay Marina. There was one we actually did not find that afternoon. We did get to talk to some people fishing near the area.
There was one called Dragon's Breath, at someone's actual house off of Hwy 30. It was a dragon head on a motorcycle. We could not help ourselves.
It was almost time to head back home. We grabbed a few more on our way north towards St. Helens. We could not end on a DNF so we got food at McDonald's and gas at the nearby Shell Station. I ran over to the Burgerville and grabbed one more just to end the day with a find. From there, we went all the way home. Traffic wasn't that bad and I was definitely tired when I got home. All in all it was a great day. We found 78 caches.
Next adventure: Ring of Fire
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