A few days after, I called the various Dells in the area to see when they would get their mallard ducks in. Yelm told me Thursday, Chehalis told me Wed and Tumwater told me Wed. Ok, I was going into Tumwater on Wed. Wednesday came around. I got up around 8 and headed in. I walked into the store and asked about the ducks. "Oh, they will be in tomorrow around lunch time." Crap, I came out here for nothing. They lied to me. So I decided to wait until tomorrow. When mom came home from work she called Tumwater and they got mallard's a few hours after they told me to come back the next day. And they were out. Then she called Yelm and they said they got them in that day as well during lunch and they were also out. Grrr!

The white ducks moved outside on Sunday, April 15. We had to buy a new pool for them since the other one got a hole in it.
Last Friday, April 20 after work, we had to go get some duck food at Dells. I sat in the car while she got the food, I was finishing my lunch. She comes out of the front door waving her arms around smiling. I knew what she was getting at. They had her mallard ducks. We got two of them and we're hoping one is a girl and one is a boy.

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