About a half hour-forty five minutes later we headed out to Weyerhauser through the Vail gate and caravanned out to the falls. It was out near Clearwood but we had to go through the Vail gate. It was about a 10 mile drive, part of the road was paved and part of it wasn't. We finally got to the gate and we all parked on the side of the road. We walked out to the falls and it was beautiful.

I can understand why people came out here. Kirsten showed us where he and his buddies were camping that one night last year. I walked down to it to get some pictures for Janet and to see for myself. That lower slab of a cliff was not that big. I can't believe 6 people camped there and fit. There should have been more people who died that night. One slight bump intoxicated would sent anyone down the 30 ft drop off into the falls. It was sickening standing there looking down. One bad choice and everyone had to suffer. I had to leave the area and go back up the steep hill to the fenced area. They started to dig to place the cross in.

Once they got it in and cemented down, everyone took pictures and commented on the cross. Hopefully it will be a reminder to those who decide to drink in a dangerous area. Life is too short. Please make wise decisions.
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