Let's take a look at the word karma. I hear people use this word a lot.
Karma frequently cast it as a sort of luck associated with virtue: if one does good or spiritually valuable acts, one deserves and can expect good luck; conversely, if one does harmful things, one can expect bad luck or unfortunate happenings. In this conception, karma is affiliated with the Neopagan law of return or Threefold Law, the idea that the beneficial or harmful effects one has on the world will return to oneself.
I have an example that comes to mind. While I was at college, I got to experience the snowy/icy weather. It sometimes stayed for months. I swore to myself I was not going to fall in it. It would be embarrassing, probably hurt and would most likely get made fun of. One day while I was walking towards the Bookie, I saw this rather large guy walking towards the stairs. He slipped on the sheet of ice, fell and his butt crack peeked out from his pants. I laughed to myself not because he fell but because his butt crack was showing. I knew because I laughed it was guaranteed to happen to me very soon. Sure enough a week later I had my turn and thank god no one was around.
I've always tried to do the right things growing up. I know we are all human and bad things happen. I was talking with someone about why bad things always happen to good people...I would love to find out why. We work hard, only to have things we worked for taken away from us. No matter what we do, we always find ourselves in debt. Or those people who seem to think there is no end to the unhappiness and find themselves in the downward spiral of the vicious snowball effect. You know, if you worked hard at it, got help you can find yourself on the other side of it. I believe people give up to easily. People don't give anything a chance to work. I've been patient the last few months while trying to find a job. I know the economy sucks right now and I have two part-time jobs to take care of bills and other fun stuff because I know that some day the economy will turn around and I'll get that job I've been patiently waiting for.
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