I have been waiting for over a decade for this much snow to hit western Washington. The last time it snowed this much I believe I was a freshman in high school ('98-'99). That's when the last time school was closed for that amount of snow on the roads. Every winter since then, I've been waiting for the snow to hit again. I went to school in Pullman for five years and it never snowed the amount I wanted it to until I graduated and left. The winter after graduation, it snowed a couple feet and campus was closed. That was the first time it has closed in twenty years. No one could get in or out of Pullman due to road closures. I was so mad when I heard that. That was the snow I was waiting for.
Sunday night (December 14) is when the snow started falling. We didn't get much but it was a start. Monday and Tuesday it got really cold, miserably cold and it started snowing again on Wednesday, that's when it started accumulating. That day we got like five inches or more. Thursday it snowed a little more and Friday was actually nice enough to finish Christmas shopping with mom (she had the day off), so we ventured to the Walmart in Yelm before the w

Mom doesn't have to go to work tomorrow so I have no idea what we're going to do...probably clean the house because Christmas is only four days away. We have no idea if Erika will make it over becasue of the snow. I guess we will see. She is bringing Roscoe over because her and Brendan can no longer take care of it so she is giving it to grandma Karen. I kinda figured that would happen eventually. Dogs are hard to have when you are a college kid and have no time to take it out.

I wouldn't mind having more snow. I am just upset that it's going to get warmer and all of the snow is going to melt and make a huge mess. There probably will be floods, lots of slush on the roads, puddles everywhere. All of the pretty white trees will be gone and the crunching of the snow under your boots will be missed.

I wouldn't mind having more snow. I am just upset that it's going to get warmer and all of the snow is going to melt and make a huge mess. There probably will be floods, lots of slush on the roads, puddles everywhere. All of the pretty white trees will be gone and the crunching of the snow under your boots will be missed.
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