This was taken in 2005 at Lauren's house, the place where we spent most of our childhood hanging out and being kids. We were over there during spring break and wanted to catch up. Rebecca and Nicole couldn't come.
Surprisingly enough, the four of us excluding Barlow, all went to Washington State University and lived less than a mile away from one another and never really hung out the 4 or 5 years we were there.
Lauren graduated in 2006 with a degree in Movement Studies, Amber graduated in Winter of 2006 with a degree in Communication, Brandon graduated in 2006 with a degree in Neuroscience, Me with a degree in Sport Management and a minor in Leadership Studies in 2007 and Lindsay graduated in 2006 from Western Washington University with a degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies.
Rebecca graduated with a Criminal Justice degree in 2006 from Gonzaga University and Nicole decided to do a few years at a community college while working at Starbucks. She still has a few courses before she is done.
I really miss those carefree summer days we spent at Lauren's house as kids.
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