The night before I searched the geocaching map to find a chunk of caches I didn't have yet. I've never really cached in Steilacoom before so I chose that area. I wrote down the ones we could get on a list and then told Ben we were going to Steilacoom to get some caches since it would be a very nice day especially in this part of April.
We got up, ate breakfast (Ben made breakfast sandwiches) and got ready to spent part of our day in Steilacoom going on mini adventures. We hopped in the Escape and off we went. I got onto I-5 and just after Dupont we took Dupont Steilacoom Road, basically drove around JBLM and made our first stop at the Girl Scouts building just outside of Dupont. I feel like I've stopped here before and couldn't find it. I don't remember who I was with. Ben and I spent probably 10 minutes trying to find JBLM GS Troop 43234 (GC765D5) and I honestly have no idea where it is. According to the pictures and previous logs it's an easy find near the sign but no trace of it unless it is not where it's suppose to be.
We looped around Dupont Steilacoom Road and parked in a neighborhood with a small trail system through the woods. Of course we took the hard way in and the easy way out. We did find the cache, Fuzzy Fuzz (GCV2QT) pretty quickly. It was tucked in the brush underneath a Douglas Fir tree. We signed our names, got a photo and put it back. I could see this cache being found by the neighborhood kids by accident and possibly getting vandalized or something. We walked back to the Escape and drove into town.
The first one in town brought us to On This Site in 1859 (GC70FXG) which was in front of someone's house so at first I wasn't sure what I was looking for until I saw the marker hidden in the brush. Ben, it's right here! We checked behind the marker and it was a cache hidden is a loose brick. We signed our names, took a picture and put it back.
The house we were parked next to screamed spring.
We got in the Escape and found a place to park since most of the caches in this area were within walking distance and we could use a good walk around town. The closest one to us was Waiting on Christine Anderson (GC4FMF4). It took us to a small picnic area with a marker that told us that the road near here was a Washington State Historical Road #1 Byrd Mill Road.
"Established by Thurston County Oregon Territory Legislature in 1852 and reestablished by Washington State Legislature in 1941. This military road afforded the only route of escape from the Puyallup Valley to Fort Steilacoom during the Indian War of 1855 and to the Pioneers was a highway of great importance. Along this route in 1864 there was built the Russian-American Telegraph Line which proposed to extend Europe by way of the Bering Strait and Asia. 1889 Washington State Centennial 1889 Dedicated November 12, 1988."
We walked down the main street towards Addiction Cache #6: Charles R. Buchannan Park (GCQFAH) and on the way there we walked past a house where they were enjoying their yard and their pug dog came out and barked at us and then wanted to be pet. So Ben pet the dog and the owners apologized for their dog coming out and barking at us. We told them it was okay. We continued up the hill and to this very small park with some stairs. It was a great vantage point in town to look out at the Puget Sound. We found the cache quickly and a cat named Felix came out to be pet. Ben petting him while I signed our name on the cache. I quickly put it back because some people were coming down the stairs. We enjoyed the view for a few minutes.
We followed the road to I-5 and drove home. I had ordered a mini hockey goal since we had a concrete driveway and lived off of an asphalt cul-de-sac and it came the other day. I wanted to break it in. We got our bikes ready, packed up our rollerblades and sticks and headed to Rainier Vista to play with the new goal. We found a pickleball court that wasn't being used and played for a little bit. The net made it a little difficult but we managed. We left marks from our wheels on the surface. I hope those went away.
I made spaghetti and we watched Ninja Turtles 2 and National Treasure while we ate. I logged our finds and worked on my blog for the rest of the night.
Next Adventure: Bonney Lake Adventures and Mother's Day Weekend