Today is Seattle Geocaching Day proclaimed by the Mayor Michael McGinn.
Mom called and woke me up around 8. I almost didn't answer the phone because I wanted to sleep longer. I answered it anyway. She asked me how the event went last night and how it was staying with Doug and his roommates. I talked to her for about fifteen minutes and then decided I should take a shower since I won't have time for one later tonight or early tomorrow morning. I actually felt good after. I got all of my stuff together and really debated whether or not to ride my bike the mile and a half down to Fremont.

I was disappointed that they had absolutely nothing to eat in their fridge. I managed to find some english muffins and some milk that wasn't expired. I ate that while I did some internetting before it was time to head on down. I ended up driving my car down the hill. I drove around looking for a parking spot but decided to park in the alley next to the troll, like I have the past two years. It was a quick walk down the hill and a block over. Took maybe five minutes to get to Groundspeak.

There were already a ton of people there. I shimmied my way through the crowd and made my way down the stairs to one of the welcome tables. There, I found Brad and his posse. We chatted for a bit while we waited in line to "check-in". I saw Jayme and said hi, I didn't want to bother her too much because she was busy being a Lackey. There was a girl in line behind me who was from Qatar, we exchanged brief conversation. I received my balloon. Inside was the mini adventure you can either do on your smartphone or the computer. Also, the Geocaching HQ GeoTours published on Wednesday. Another adventure to complete today. I picked up my passport at the table as well.
I went back upstairs to sign the log, that's where I saw Brenda and Ray and their dog, Zuri. I got my Coug stamp out, found a good place and made my mark. I signed my name just above it.
I called Bev to find out where she was...they were going to miss the picture at 11:20. They had just made it to Burien...still a ways out.
The Lackey's gathered everyone in the plaza and we got ready to take the group picture. We all looked up at the Lackey on the roof with the camera. I like to pose in the front because it's easier to spot myself later.
I met back up with Brenda and Ray and we made our way downstairs to the vendors and food trucks. There, we talked to the WSGA booth for a while...I made a new friend, Jacob. We tried chatting with Lisa from Cache Advance but she was way busy. We'll just stop by later.
We found a place to hang out for a while until Bev, Kenny and Shari arrived to do the GeoTour. I told them to come down and see us at the vendors/food trucks. Of course Bev asked where that was. I told her to find a map and follow it. Haha. They finally got there and found us at the table. I told them to go see the welcome tent and to get their balloons. We met up and headed to the first cache, Beneath Aurora. Most of these caches will have mobs by them...not much mystery to where they are. But with over 1,000 geocachers unleashed in Fremont, you're bound to run into a dozen or two. We saw a bunch of cachers we knew from our area. We chatted for a few minutes then everyone moved on.

The next one took us to a cache similar to Doctor Who in Portland, Goblindust, made this one as well. This was called Ode to the Golgafrichan Phone Workers. It was a puzzle that required you to put in the right code. There were so many people at this one. Also, nearby was part of the "labs" caches. We took a group picture.
From here, we wandered over to the Fremont Library. Brenda and Ray did this one earlier so we all just went to the final of the multi cache. They explained the other pieces to us while we signed the log and stamped our passports. Some cachers approached us after we made the find. We told them where to put it back when they were done.
We walked up the hill to the Fremont Troll for a cache called Troll Droppings. There were tons of tourists as well as cachers all in the same small the cars that drove through that intersection. I had many pictures of the troll already so we just did the cache this time. PS, I stole this picture from the geocaching website. I didn't want all of the people in the picture.
We made our way back down the hill and near the busy intersection and found our next GeoTour cache, Within Reach. It was a bicycle rack with a twist. Again, there was a mob of cachers waiting their turn to sign the log and stamp their passports.
There was another multi on the list, we did the first two waypoints, one was at the rocket and the other was at the statue of Lenin. We grabbed Chairy Tree before we found the final to De Libertas Quirkas (freedom to be peculiar.) I gave Chairy Tree a favorite point just because the tree was so freaking cool! They even had a mini chair attached to a rope with the cache on it. It was pretty rad.
And now to the final to De Libertas Quirkas. We saw the mob of people near the shrub dinosaurs and a locked box on one of the display signs. It required us to do some math to get the lock open. Kenny reached down and pop, lock off and cache in hand. The mob of cachers got bigger. We got out of there as fast as we could to the next one.
A Bedassling View took us along the Burke-Gilman trail. A trail we all have been down several times over the past three years. We walked down the mini pier to where the cache was, of course there were cachers there signing the log. They told us where it went back to when all of a sudden a huge rat came out of hiding from underneath the stairs. Some of us saw him and some of us didn't. He made one more appearance before we left for the next was going to be a walk.
We took a short sit down break at the stairs along the waterfront. There, we looked at the lab caches more. We still had no idea what to do. The break was over and about two tenths of a mile later I realized I didn't have my GPS. It must have fallen out of my pocket when we sat down. Shari and I ran to the location and she found it right away. Yikes, that was scary!
We stopped at the Fremont Bridge to watch it open and close for the boat traffic and for some pictures. Again, we walked past several cachers we knew and exchanged some brief conversation. We got to the corner and noticed Lake Union written on the sidewalk with chalk. We asked the guy handing out buttons what it was for. He said the lab caches...OH! We were suppose to find codes...crap, we had already walked past several of them. We might have to ask someone who wrote them all down. I really didn't want to walk to them again.
It was bathroom break time. We all took turns while some of us rested at the picnic table underneath the Aurora Bridge...almost near where we started the tour. I saw Jen Jackson and talked to her for a few minutes. She gave me the codes we didn't write down. We even talked about the possibility of a Halloween event near Olympia with a night cache attached to it.
We finished our walk to the last GeoTour cache, the letterbox Geo Post Office. It was at the new Evo building and someone had turned in a newspaper dispensing machine into a cache. It was a pretty cool one. It was unlocked when we arrived. I grabbed a few stickers and some event postcards. We were now done and needed to head back to the Block Party.
We turned in our passports which entered us into a drawing to win one of the GeoTour geocoins. Forty people were drawn. We turned in our labs sheet and either got a HQ tag or a geocaching beer mug. I chose the mug. The odds of one of us winning one was pretty slim. We stood in line and bough our merchandise. I got two coins, the block party and the geotour coin. Then we all found food. I was starving.
The choices the food trucks gave really didn't interest me. I went upstairs and found a guy making polish dogs. I instantly bought one. I met up with Brenda and Ray and we sat in the plaza eating our food, visiting and people watching. We had a lot of time to kill before GIFF (Geocaching International Film Festival.)
Kenny, Shari and Bev had to leave. They had something else going that evening and needed to be home around 6. We said our goodbyes and I told Bev I would see her and my mom tomorrow at the Ape event.
We got temporary Signal tattoos from one of the booths.
I took a few more pictures and then told Brenda and Ray that I would be up at my car getting ready for the other event later that evening. On the short walk a lady in a decked out hippy van was giving out log rollers, she was very proud to hand them out to other cachers. I walked up the hill and sat in my car for a bit while my phone charged. I used the internet and ate some more food. I packed my bag up for the evening. Some drinks, snacks and I should have grabbed my chair.
I went back down about 45 minutes later and talked to Lisa and JD for a while at the Cache Advance tent. It was a very nice visit. Then I looked at the Oregon GeoTours and Canada GeoTours booths and then finally made my way to the GIFF location in the Adobe parking lot. I found Brenda and Ray on the hillside. I talked to a very nice guy from Casper, Wyoming for a while. Then they announced that there was a logbook to sign, free popcorn and some refreshments. Ray and I stood in line.
Finally GIFF started and there were quite a few people at the inaugural event. They introduced the event and then started showing the films. There were 16 of them and some of the cachers who made the videos were present. My favorites were the Addiction (Minnesota) and the FTF (Czech Republic) videos.
I enjoyed them equally but voted for Addiction just because the guy was really weird. It was a great first time event and I hope to see another one next year. I walked back to my car and drove the two short miles to Doug's house. I brought my stuff in and he came up to ask for me to come downstairs to meet some of his friends. They were celebrating a birthday. I stayed down there for a little less than an hour. I needed to go to bed since I had to get up at 5 a.m. to drive to Snoqualmie for the 6:30 a.m. hike to GCD. It was a very short night and a very long tomorrow.
Next Adventure: A hike to GCD and the Ape Event