This event has also been on the calendar since February. I got up around 6:45 and got all my stuff together. I did a tune up on my bike the night before, WD-40 and pumped up the tires. I made a sandwich and grabbed a few drinks and put them in my cooler. Bob rolled up about 7:30 and loaded my bike in the back. I put my stuff in the truck and off we went. We met Mike at the store in McKenna. And we were off to Hyak/Snoqualmie Pass. We stopped at one of the North Bend exits to drop off Mike's truck. We had planned to ride the Iron Horse Trail from the tunnel down to his truck, roughly 18-20 miles total. We found out most of those caches have been archived, so it really wasn't worth it.
We arrived about 15 minutes before the actual APE event started. We parked the truck, got our stuff together, took the bikes out, went potty and were on our way through the tunnel. We thought there would be at least one or two caches we haven't gotten yet. I guess not. We took some pictures and ate our lunch. We sat at a picnic table at talked to some cachers from Walla Walla for a while.
We went back through the tunnel. I wish we would have brought bikes last year. We flew through it. We got back to the parking lot, dropped off some stuff in the truck, went potty and hit up the eastern side of the trail. There were four of them. I figured since we are here might as well do them right? We headed off. They were very far apart from one another. We had no trouble finding them and each of them had some really cool views.
On our way back, Mike got a flat tire and continued to ride it until the tire and tube came off. Then he walked it back to one of the parking areas. We figured no one was going to take it.

We decided to go for the island cache off of I-90. I've been staring at it for about a year now and since we were here I was going to do it whether Bob or Mike wanted to or not. It was about the right time of year to go get it. Part of the lake bed was dry enough to walk out and grab it. We saw some kayaks heading out towards it. We had Bob go get his truck while Mike and I went to check it out. It was a muddy walk in some parts but not that bad. Then we came to an area that probably is covered in water year round. We met a cacher from Clackamas, Oregon. We talked to him for a bit. The people in the kayaks were his grandkids he sent to go sign the cache. Since we both grew up by the river, this was no big deal. We took our socks and shoes off and walked across the 10 foot wide river. We got to the other end and but socks and shoes back on. We headed towards the tree island. We had to actually climb up the rock face and onto the top of it. We heard the ammo can open and close. We figured it was one of the grandkids signing it and putting it back. We got up there and he said, go find it! Haha. Finding it was easy. We opened it, signed the log, enjoyed the victory and put it back. We still haven't seen Bob show up yet.

On our way back down and to the river we saw his red truck. Once again, socks and shoes off, walked across and put socks and shoes back on and then walked across the muddy-dry lake bed. We weren't sure if Bob was gonna get mad at us for going to get it without him. I don't think he really cared as long as his name got on it. We thought about going for the oldest cache in Washington but we decided to save it for another trip.
We went across the freeway to Gold Creek Lake and trail area. We parked the truck and headed around the loop. It was a very pretty area. I'd totally go again. The water was so clear! We grabbed two caches here.
We walked back to the truck but used the restroom before we left. I totally walked in on a guy peeing. Who doesn't lock the door!!? A little girl advised me very upset that I was suppose to wait my turn. How did I know there was someone in there when the door wasn't locked? Oh well. It happens.
We headed west on I-90. We stopped for a couple off the ramps to grab some more of the Roadkill Cafe series and others. We headed off to the Tinkham area and grabbed some off of a dirt road. Not much luck there so we headed off to the Rattlesnake Lake area and the Snoqualmie Valley Trail.
Since Mike's bike was broken, Bob and I did the trail while Mike did the walking trail near Rattlesnake Ridge. Bob and I rode the two miles down hill to the one furthest away and made our way back up grabbing the other caches.
One of them gave us a really hard time. When I finally found it, the coords were 100 feet away!! I don't think I would have found it if it wasn't for the carbiner that was attaching the string to the stick. We pressed on. We grabbed a couple more before meeting Mike in the parking lot. He grabbed about 5 or 6 of them too and he was sweaty. I guess he almost climbed the ridge as he explained his trip. We told him about ours too. We grabbed the rest of them in the area and finished off with one at Christmas Lake.
We headed back to the truck, dropped Mike off at his truck and drove into North Bend for some dinner. We were tired and hungry. Overall we rode our bikes about 18 miles and walked about 5 miles. The weather was decent and we had a great time. Until the next adventure!
Next: 10 Years ago I was a Freshman at WSU