I packed the car the night before so I didn't have to do a lot of stuff the next morning at 5:30 a.m. All I had to do was put the bike rack and bike on the car and put the rest of the stuff I used in the car that morning. As soon as I clocked out I was on the road. I was really hoping for a huge drop in gas prices, however it only dropped 10 cents. I guess 10 cents was better than nothing. It still cost me 56 bucks! Ouch. I got onto Hwy 7 and headed east towards Mt. Rainier. I got to the third Eatonville cutoff and had to be detoured into Eatonville. They had the road blocked off. I never heard the reason. I got into Eatonville and had no idea how to get to the road I wanted. I was getting frustrated. My Nuvi didn't want to work properly and it was pouring down rain. Luckily my mom called and she helped me get out of town. I finally got back onto Hwy 7 and stopped in Elbe for a cache. I had to at least get one for the day. I grabbed it and headed further down the road and stopped at a place I've driven past many times, an old building in Mineral. I knew exactly were it was.

I wanted to stop in Morton to grab two I've been meaning to get. Both were easy. I grabbed one more right off of Hwy 12 and got soaked. I decided to stop until I got over the pass. I got behind a motor home through Glenoma, Randle and parts of Packwood. It finally pulled over. I got up the mountain pass quite a ways until I hit a patch of cars and a semi truck going 30 miles per hour. Great. It's gonna take me forever now. Just before the summit, I got to pass it. We sailed down the hill. I had to make up the time I lost. It started turning into eastern Washington and no rain!

I grabbed one more, this one a easy virtual just before getting into Naches. I let Willmarth know where I was and he told me they were at the Applebee's celebrating the last day of school. I had eaten right after work so I was still kinda full. They ordered me a lemonade drink with booze in it, and the chicken fingers basket. I ate everything and was full for the rest of the night. From there, we went into the dog store (Petsmart) and grabbed some stuff for the dogs and thenwe headed back to the house. I brought my stuff in and we had a relaxing night. We watched tv, surfed the internet, watched youtube videos, etc. We drove to the ghetto Albertson's for a few things and got milkshakes from the ice cream store on the corner. Some lady almost backed into us. We made it back and chilled the rest of the night. I slept on the couch because the guest bed was still in Forks. As soon as I laid down, I was out until the next morning.
I got up to the sound of the shower running and things being gathered for our trip to eastern Oregon. I got ready, grabbed the stuff I would need and Willmarth told me we might stay the night there so grab stuff for that. We put everything in garbage bags because they would be in the back of the truck and the forecast for Tollgate would be rain and some snow in areas. We put the stuff in the truck and headed down the hill to Powerhouse Cafe and Grill for some pancakes. We sat down and ordered. A while later we had pancakes and Shannon was happy. Then she found out yes, they do serve blueberry pancakes. Shannon and I ordered buttermilk and I got one of Willmarth's blueberry pancake. Shannon was jealous she did not get any. It was a running joke for the rest of the day. We hit the road soon after.
We drove over to Elgin through the Tri-Cities and down highway 12 through Walla Walla. I have never been through Milton-Freewater. The town is known for it's frogs and Muddy Frog Water festival. Willmarth's mom grew up there and graduated from high school there. We went and visited his aunt who lives in town. We spent about a half hour visiting. We headed out again. Over the Blue Mountains through Tollgate. It was steep! It rained the entire time. It even snowed when we reached the summit. We dropped down in to the valley and headed for Summerland, where they were picking up the puppies. We were hoping it would stop raining. It didn't. When we got to their house, after a short detour, I grabbed my rain jacket. We sat and talked to the people who owned the dogs. They gave us the paperwork and pedigree of the puppies. We went out to the kennel and grabbed them and put them in the car and headed to Elgin.

We got to Paul and Metta's house and met Metta's son, Drew. He is an interesting kid. We played with the puppies until Paul and Metta came back from La Grande. We sat around and talked to them for a while. We got onto the internet and she found out I was a geocacher. She knew what it was! I was excited. She told me her friends do it. She grabbed her gps and asked if I could get it to work. It was so outdated we could not. We went to Sig's, a tavern in Elgin, for dinner. The food was good. Afterwards, we had ice cream and strawberries. I told everyone I needed to get the cache in town and Metta wanted to go with me. We got to the location and I told her what we might be looking for. It was a magnetic key holder and she found it. She was so excited. You should have seen her face. She was now hooked. I got to sleep in Metta's youngest son's room for the night. When I laid on that futon, I wanted to die. It was like sleeping on a piece of plywood with a sheet on top of it. I made due.
The next morning I took a shower and packed. We needed to leave before noon because the youngest son was coming home and I guess he is a little monster. We got out of there around 10. We headed towards La Grande. We grabbed Taco Bell for lunch and went to Eastern Oregon University to eat and let the puppies run around.
After lunch and wandering the campus, I walked a couple streets over to grab a cache in La Grand. I couldn't help myself. They picked me up a few minutes later. We headed to I-84 and continued west. We stopped at Snoopy because we just had to. I've seen it a few times driving down the freeway towards Idaho. It's been a while since I've been out this way.
We headed down the grade into Pendleton and stopped to let the dogs go potty. We really couldn't find a good place so we stopped near the cow/horse statues. As luck would have it, it was also a virtual. I headed over. I did what I needed to do to qualify and headed back over to the truck.
We stopped at a truck stop to go potty and of course we had to get A&W Rootbeer as well. We got to the junction and headed towards the Tri-cities. Willmarth told me we would stop at the 9/11 Memorial just inside Kennewick. I was really excited. I love history. I have seen all the documentaries, read most of the books, I watched the entire chaos unfold that day. I needed to see and touch one of the trusses used in the WTC in New York. We stopped, let the dogs go potty and I headed over to see it.
I just couldn't believe I was touching one of the pieces of the WTC. It was surreal. I probably watched this very piece on TV, fall from the sky.
It was now time to head back to Yakima. Everyone was tired and the dogs didn't need to be in the truck anymore. We got to their house about 3:00. We unloaded the truck and put the dogs in the back yard so they could see where they lived and to go potty.
Meanwhile, I helped move the bamboo out of the back yard, Shannon mowed the front yard and Willmarth planted his fruit plants. Afterwards, we relaxed a bit. I went and shot some hoops for a while. Then we went to the store to pick up some stuff for dinner. We ate hotdogs and beans. We watched The Chronicle, had popcorn and got ready for bed.
I was woken up several times from puppy sounds. It didn't matter because it was their house and I was a guest. I was so out earlier that morning because I didn't hear them take the puppies out at 3 a.m. We shot around for a while since it was going to be a very nice day. We had hotdogs and beans again for lunch. Nathan's hotdogs rule, FYI. I talked on the phone for a while and shot the basketball. I came in for a bit and found out Willmarth was taking a nap. His next 24 hours were going to be busy. He had to go bring his stuff back from Forks.
I told Shannon I was going to head down to the river and ride the Greenway Trail for a few hours. I couldn't let my bike go to waste, right? She gave me a can of mace, just in case. I headed to the bike trail, parked the car and took the bike off the bike rack. Since I was in Yakima and I didn't trust people, I took all my stuff from my car and put it in the trunk. I took my bike rack off the car and put it in the back seat and locked it up...you never know. The trail was kept very nice. I rode under several bridges and a lot of the trail was along the Yakima River.

I made it to a great stopping point. Sarg Hubbard Park about 3 miles from where I parked my car. I saw the time and headed back. I got about 15 caches. I got back to the car, put the bike rack back on and went back to the house. When I got there, Willmarth was about ready to head out to do errands. I went with. When we got back it was almost time for him to pack, grab the U-haul and drive the 7-8 hours to Forks and back. We drove down, he loaded his stuff up and I drove the car back. I grabbed Arby's for Shannon and I. We watched TV, took care of the dogs. I went and took a shower and went to bed.
The next morning I packed up my stuff, said my good byes and was off towards home. I grabbed about 10 geocaches from Naches to Morton.
I got home about 2. It was a great visit. I might go back in July depending on what's going on.