The Grays Harbor Meet and Greet (GC3BTC1) popped up on the map and we had to go. There were several puzzles in the area that we had worked on prior to the event and now we had to go find them before they got archived. Bob and Bev had most of the traditional caches in the area anyway so we got the ones in the area they didn't have yet.
We all piled into Bob and Bev's car and off to Aberdeen we went. We got into town and had time for one cache, Table Top Cache (GC1DCXC). We didn't realize it was going to be up by the hospital on the hill. We found a place to park and made our way to the coords. Bev pulled it out of its hiding spot. It was a magnetic cache stuck to a gray electrical box. We wrote our names on it as fast as we could...mostly because it was freezing!

We wanted to get to the event a little early so we could find a table and order our food before everyone got there. We walked in and saw Idajo was already there setting up her welcome table. We found our own table and Bob went and ordered pepperoni pizza for our group plus each of us a Pepsi. While we waited for our food we saw a bunch of cachers file in. I talked to Chris (Mc3cats) for a while. We ate our pizza and listened in on the raffle for our number. We all got to take something home this time. We took a group photo and told everyone thank you and that we would see them again.
After the event we went and got all the puzzles we solved starting with The Passion of the Cache (GCHX35). It was a multi cache on iTooth's church property. We started at the given coords and worked our way through the first and second waypoint and then the final.
This rock's coords took us to the second waypoint which was near the base of a tree. We found it quickly and moved onto the final, which was not that far away. It rained, snowed, rain and then the sun came out. The weather in Aberdeen was being schizo.
The final was an ammo can connected to a tree and you had to use a pulley/dumbwaiter to get it down.
We were the last group of cachers to find this cache. iTooth archived it about a week later because he couldn't keep the cache from getting ruined. It was fixed quite a few times in its cache container glory. We moved on to the next one on our list.
Bev worked on the Sword Drill (GC228KE) becasue she knew more about Bible versus than Derek or I did. She did pretty well solving it mostly because she "doesn't do puzzles." She had one minor hiccup but had help from the cache owner. We got to the coords and despite the sticker bushes we made the find. It was attached to a tree.
iTooth also had a Don't Know Much About...series. We knew we were going to Aberdeen for the event so we spent the few days before solving these puzzles. We each took one and worked on it until the coord checker told us it was right. We parked at the coords and knew we had a small hike ahead of us. The five caches were along a dirt road...we figured they were going to be in order with the final being last. Inside each cache were codes for the final cache. We had to do some gathering on our mini journey.
We started at Don't Know Much About History (GC1725X). It was a PVC pipe attached to the back of the tree. We signed our names and got the necessary code we needed for the final.
Up the hill we went. There were great views and would have been better if it would have been a sunny and clear day. It definitely got chilly on our way up.
We got to the second cache, Don't Know Much About Geography (GC174GQ) and it was a similar hide to the first one, a PVC pipe on the back of a tree, hidden from view.
We gathered our information and made our way up to the third cache, Don't Know Much About Biology (GC176DZ). Again, a PVC pipe on the back of a tree. This time we had to do a little bit of climbing, so I went up the hill to the tree it was attached to. You could tell it was raining. Whoever took the picture got rain on the lens. We got the code out of it and walked up to the last of the series before the final.
Don't Know Much About Algebra (GC1716Z) was the only cache besides the final hidden in an ammo can. Bob and Derek got the code out of it and gave it to our secretary Bev.
And now onto the final, What A Wonderful World (GC176EM). We put together all of our codes and put the corresponding numbers in where they were suppose to go. I guess the final was tricky because the coords jumped around. So we read some of the logs and the hint that was given. Between the four of us, we found the cache pretty quickly.
We signed our name and put it back for the next cacher and made our way back down the hill. We had one more to get before we made our way back home, Smiles (GC2BX8G). It was inside a park in a housing community. We parked the car and all of us walked to the cache. The cache that smiles back.
After finding that cache, we drove home through Elma and got onto Hwy 12 through Oakville. Once we got to Rochester, Bev wanted to stop at the casino for dinner since she had a coupon. I had never been to the casino before so it was quite the experience. Bob sorta taught me how to play Keno. When we were done, we went home, took a shower and got warm. It was a fun time.
Next Adventure: Colorado Trip