Got up early did a few things at home and drove up to Doug's place in Shoreline to help him find a place to live in the U-District. When I got there I had to wait for him to get off the bus. I drove to the Goodwill because I got there way too early...mostly because you never know how traffic up to Seattle would be like. I saw there was a cache not too far from the Goodwill parking lot so I walked up there and a few seconds later I was holding the North Pole Bison (GC1JX8Z) in my hands.
I put the cache back and walked back to the Goodwill. I still had some time to kill so I wasted about a half hour inside the Goodwill. I then drove to the bus stop Doug told me to meet him at at the Fred Meyer down the road. His bus arrived and we went to eat food near the Northgate Mall. We ate lunch at Five Guys and then drove to the address Doug had written down.
We checked out the place on the east side of I-5 near the U-District. It wasn't the best place but because he was in a hurry get out of the place he was currently in but this new place would have to do for now. I didn't realize how bad it was going to be for him once he moved in. He talked to the landlord and paid his deposit.
It was once a cool house that they turned into a multi room apartment so to say. There was a community bathroom, laundry room (yes, they made you use quarters) and a really under par kitchen. I wasn't sure about the other tenants but I was sure we would hear about them later. The room he was staying in was not worth $300 a month but that was my opinion.
Grandma and I would have to come back tomorrow with the suburban to help him move his stuff out of the Shoreline house. We went to the post office and then dropped him off at his house so he could start packing with the boxes I brought up for him. I left before the traffic in Seattle got really bad. I stopped in Fife because I just couldn't help myself when it came to caches. I was about 5 caches away from my 1600th milestone and I even made myself a sign.
The first one was called 6 of Hearts-DOC Series (GC2VKYV) and I found that one pretty fast but it was broken and mentioned that in my log when I got back home to log it. Then I went to the next closest one, Change Your Range (GC1KFTB), then Point of View (GC1VAXN) which were both along a well maintained pathway and then Wapato JAM (GC29A64) which was in a guard rail above Wapato Creek. Then my #1600th cache, Knowing Your ABC's (GC1DAKW) which was found at the Puget Sound
Educational Service District (ESD) #121 is one of nine regional
educational agencies serving school districts and state-approved private
schools in Washington state. I located the pill bottle and got out my sign for a milestone selfie.
I got back on the freeway with some time to eat a snack and to get my costume ready to go out for trick or treating with Derek. I was candy corn for Halloween this year.
We went to Grandma's house, Bob and Bev's and then to Grammie's. It was nice to catch up with them. Happy Halloween!
Next Adventure: TBA
My outings, adventures, friends, family, fun, games, stories, experiences etc, all rolled up into a blog.
Monday, October 31
Thursday, October 6
Along with our 6 chickens (who live outside), 11 new chickens and an accidental rooster we got 4 ducks as well. Since we didn't really have a place to keep them and the have to stay warm, they lived in our bathroom for two months. So we had bathroom chickens and ducks for a while. The new chickens and rooster moved into their "chicken mobile home" in June along with the ducks, who moved into their mobile pen.

The new chickens laid their first egg on August 12th and the ducks on September 8th.

Now we are in the process of building them a permanent pen.

The new chickens laid their first egg on August 12th and the ducks on September 8th.

Now we are in the process of building them a permanent pen.
Fastpitch 2011
We went to districts last spring and this year we won only one game. I really wonder what happened. I know it's not the coaching because we've been doing the same thing for 13 seasons and some years it's great and others it's not so great. I really truly believe it's the combination of girls and attitudes. That's my opinion but I think others share in that opinion. I sure hope this year things change and we win more than one game. Here's to hoping.

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