Monday we had a couple of early games. We got up, some of us ate breakfast (cereal) and got ready for our games. We ate lunch as a team (baked potatoes) and finished up our second games for the day. Played our third games and finished up the night with pizza for dinner. We had movie night, we watched The Proposal and ate popcorn.
Tuesday my girls didn't have to play until 1 that afternoon, the varsity girls had a 10:30 game in Steptoe. We had bacon, eggs and muffins for breakfast. I took that time and drove out to the Moscow Walmart. Really didn't find what I was looking for but bought some new flip flops. Drove into Pullman and went to Shopko, found out they are building a Walmart across from the Safeway. Went to Crimson and Gray before taking a picture of the Pullman sign on my way back to Colfax. Got back just as Todd and the motor home pulled up. For lunch we had French dip sandwiches, the dip part was awful, a lot of us just ate the plain sandwich instead. Everyone had a couple of close games, I had a bunch of one point losses. Willmarth showed up around 4 and told me he got the job at Ike. He was there with Granger. Todd took some of the girls to Pullman to visit the campus. Dinner was pasta. There was a guest speaker who survived an avalanche, he was a pro snow mobiler. I took a few girls to Zips because they were hungry. Afterwards, there was a coaches basketball game. I didn't partake because I didn't have my shoes. Later on I played basketball with Ashley, Steph, Kayla and Aryn and got all sweaty before they turned the lights off for bed.

Wednesday we had to get up really early to eat breakfast together (biscuits and gravy) before the Varsity played their 8:15 game. Lunch was Texas Straw Hats and dinner was hamburgers. My girls played hard but lost. Before skit night, the girls got ready and practiced their routine until they were comfortable with it. As it got closer to the talent show we all funneled into the auditorium. Todd gave me the video camera and he took pictures. After all was said and done we went first and it was a tough act to follow. The girls did a routine off of the show Glee. They all were a character from the show and they picked out three songs and had a choreographed dance to it. It was pretty cool. Everyone loved it. We would have won first place if it was judged. That night we were talking to Todd outside of the motor home when we got to watch a dry lightening storm up over the hill. The girls were hungry around 11 that night and decided I needed to take them to the store. We got back and headed to bed. I was woken up several times that night. A few of the girls stayed up until 3:30 writing on the freshman's faces with eye liner. The next morning was rough.
Thursday morning we had Mcmuffins for breakfast. I walked into the cafeteria and saw some of the girls faces, I laughed because they had beards, uni brows, mustaches and other random lines. I also found out that Turk and Riley stole Kayla and Tori's bed. Tori and Kayla had a problem, they believed that it was their mattress and it deflated, they couldn't pump it up because it was too late to use the pump, due to the noise, so they slept on a deflated mattress and Turk and Riley enjoyed a pumped up one. We spent a good hour packing up all of our stuff and cleaning out our area before leaving Colfax. We left around 9:30 and stopped in Othello again for gas and to eat lunch at A&W/KFC and Burger King. We decided to go the Yakima route because Snoqualmie had some avalanche controls and delays. We got to the school around 4:30. Good times.
The one thing I really don't like at Colfax is that we had to stay in the gym. You hear just about everything and you have no control of the lights and in the morning you wake up to basketballs and whistles. We better get a classroom next year.
Next Adventure: TBA