Sunday, May 20

Sparkler Bombs in Pullman

Ok, a few weeks ago before school let out me, Ashlee and Lizzy went to go blow up the sparkler bomb I had made. I was saving it for a good night. We went out on airport road just to get out of the city limits (cops). We found a good road and parked the car. Walked out a few yards and it took a while for me to light the thing on account of the wind and we didn't have the best lighting source, which we had to go back to Ashlee's apartment for because we forgot them the first time. Oh well. I got the thing lit and I ran for the car. Waited in anticipation...nothing spectacular happened. Just blew out the sides and puffed. I was so mad. I have seen some impressive ones over the years but this one, a big disappointment. Plus, my friends were excited to see it, Lizzy has never seen one before, and it did nothing. Ahhhh!

I told Ashlee that when my family comes for graduation, my brother had some sparklers still, so I had him bring them. However, I did not know I was going home that Saturday after graduation. I did not get to celebrate. Soo...I saved them for when I came over to get the rest of my stuff.

While I sat in Ashlee's apartment waiting for her to get off work, I started making the first one. It was just about done when she pulled up and walked through the door. She smiled when she saw what I was doing. "Sparkler bombs...YESSS!!"

We went down to the store and got some stuff for dinner on the BBQ. Best food ever!

Jackie and Jodie came over a while later, ate some food and hung out while we waited for Jess to come home from work. I got started on the second bomb while I sat with Jodie.

I made one of the Sparkler bombs a tribute to all of my friends at WSU and one for Slurs because I told her I would.

Jackie got out the lighter and said we were going to blow up the first one in the court yard of Meadow Brook. We were all kind of nervous because someone might call the cops or something. Jackie lit it, threw it and jogged back to where we were. Nothing happened. She went back out there and found that it snuffed itself out. I have had that happen on several occasions, I never trust the thing. She was crazy and picked it up. Turns out it was ok and we made another fuse for it. This time, she walked it out to the center of the courtyard, dug a little divot in the grass and stood it upright out of the ground, lit it and watched the magic from Ashlee's sliding glass door.

The best sparkler bomb ever so far...check it out.

For the second one, me and Ashlee went out to the same road as mentioned above. This time we had matches and the bomb did go off, just not as good as the first one.

Quotes from friends:

"Oh my gosh, I freakin' love you and love making sparkler bombs.... haha that's great!"  -Kari Johnson

"I'm so honored that a sparkler bomb was made in my name! I can't wait till we are all back in P-town together and I can actually participate in the sparkler bombage!  -Kaitlin "Slurs" Bailey

Saturday, May 5

Graduation Day

Wow, I made it, after five long years, I was finally graduating.  So far graduation day was the longest day of my life.  My family got to Pullman around 3:00 on Friday afternoon.  We went and had Chinese food in Moscow.  All we did was pack up stuff.  Doug went out with his friends and I hung out with friends for a little while.  We probably went to bed around 2 a.m. that night waiting up for Doug.  He was supposed to be home at midnight.  It’s just a courtesy to others since Grandma Karen, Erika, Doug and I was going to sleep in the living room on the floor.  I got up around 6:30 that morning and got my stuff on, waited around for others and started walking over to Beasley.  It was a cold walk over.  They wanted you there at 7:30 standing in line and ready.  For the life of me I could not find the sport management people.  I called Starrla several times asking her if she was there yet.  I finally found the group I was suppose to be in and also found Starrla, thank god.  I saw Kaitlin that morning working on parking crew, I waved to her.  We finally got to walk in to Beasley and out of the cold.  We went in there and I immediately tried to look for my family.  It took me a very long time to find them.  Yay for text messaging.  We sat through the ceremony, which took about two hours and I was ready to get out of there.  We all walked home after taking dozens upon dozens of pictures.  I had Ashlee and Bri come over to meet my family.  Tucky was around for a while and I got some pictures with her before she left with Craig.  We all wanted some food, so we went down to Little Caesar’s for pizza while we finished packing up my stuff into all of the vehicles.  We finally got everything packed up and left after 2 p.m. that day.  That was my last official day in Pullman.
On the way home we caravanned it.  Mom, Grandma Karen, Erika and mom rode with me in the Intrepid, Dad and Doug rode in the Suburban and Grammie and Grandpa rode in their truck.  We took the easiest route down I-90 and stopped in Ellensburg at the BK Lounge for dinner.  We finally got home around 9ish that evening and unpacked the vehicles the next day.