Saturday, December 29

It's Not's a Change of Possession.

(The title is a reflection on the quote of the day.  This was said by Pat about the Mexicans when it came to the geocaching containers we use to hide.)

My alarm went off at 6:30 but I ignored it and slept a little longer than I should have.  I got out of bed, washed my face, brushed my hair and threw on clothes as fast as I could.  I was hoping Bob didn't come earlier than 7.  I got my lunch I packed the night before out of the fridge, my bag and a ziplock of corn pops and a thing of orange juice.  I even had time to grab my phone car charger out of my car.

I saw the headlights of his truck drive down the driveway.  Time to go.

I climbed in and he said there was a change of plans from the last time we spoke.  Mike was going to come with us in Bob's truck and Kenny, Carson and Pat were going in Pat's Prius.  We grabbed Mike and we were on our way to the rest stop just before Federal Way on I-5.  Instead of waiting, we grabbed two caches before Pat and Kenny met us.

We got onto Hwy 18 and went down the hill into Auburn.  We started with the closest cache we all had in common.  It got rough later on in the trip because Kenny and Pat have never been here and Mike and Bob went about a year ago and I went on a separate trip about a year ago.  Bob and Mike had some I didn't and I had some Bob and Mike didn't have.  We didn't stop at the ones Bob and Mike already had.  Kenny and Pat thought that was selfish.

We did a few downtown while we tried to figure out what we were going to do next.  We had to climb up a parking garage to get it.

We did all of the 12 Days of Christmas series.  I had done a few of these over a year ago so it was lame I had to walk to them again.  Oh well.

We got off on a tangent while trying to find a cross road over the railroad tracks to get to the beginning of the series so we found a group of them and went with it.  One took us to a small park next to the Green River. We saw goats.

We got two along the river.  We walked back on the path to our cars and drove up to the church we passed on the way in.

We found out it was a Russian church.  We got out and some Russian lady really wanted us to accompany her to church.  Bob had to tell her that we only attend church on Sundays.  We got to the cache zone and found out it was up a hillside.  Mike and I both climbed up and found out we went up to high.  Kenny and Carson made the find.

We went back to the the vehicles and made our way to the trail via several parks around a bunch of new houses on the southwest side of Auburn near the Pacific/Algona area.  We grabbed about 6 or 7 of them.  We found the beginning of the trail and started our trail extravaganza.  We grabbed the first 5 of them before everyone got hungry.  I ate my sandwich and chips a while ago.  We stopped at Wendy's near the Super Mall.  So happy for a bathroom and a place to wash my hands.  This is where it started raining.

From there we were on the back side of Emerald Downs, where we got three more caches in a short walk.

The series was almost over.  The 12th one was just before Willis Street near Renton.  This is where Pat, Kenny and Carson decided to go home for the day.  Mike, Bob and I went and got a few more before dark.  We went into town and grabbed a few others.  I have been to Renton twice now and have gotten most of them so being here really didn't help me out.  We went over to Kent Station for a cache and a multi.  We had a very hard time finding a parking spot.  We almost gave up when we found the park and ride across the street.

Sadly, we did the multi and the cache was not there.   Ugh, I hate those!  We gave up on it and grabbed the regular cache near the entrance of the mall.  We still had some daylight left and their closest caches were ones I found already.  We really didn't want to end on a DNF so we grabbed two more as we found a gas station.  Bob needed diesel.  We stopped at the Shell station near the cornstalks.

I helped Mike find the cache since I had been here before.  There used to be a challenge here before they got rid of them a few weeks ago.  We headed home for the day.

Next Adventure:  Cowlitz County and possibly Polar Bearing.

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