Thursday, December 6

My Yakima Visit, December 6

I was spared this morning.  Willmarth and Shannon took the dogs for a walk and let me sleep in because they knew I had a long drive ahead of me.  While Shannon got ready she opened my door and I was still out.  Willmarth called my phone from the living room and that woke me right up.  Then the dogs came in to check on me.  I got ready as everyone grabbed their stuff for the day.  We were going to take Shannon to school so we could use the car.  The truck had stuff in the back of it and needed to go to the dump.

We dropped her off and tried to head for the bank but got interrupted by a phone call to meet someone in Union Gap for some Louis L'Amour books from Craigslist.  So we hurried over.  We met up at the bingo hall.  We made the trade and he was hungry so we went to Burger King for breakfast.  We each had a breakfast sandwich, the little potato gems, two cinnamon rolls and our drinks.  We sat there talking about random things, waiting for his doctor's appointment.

We started back towards Yakima and stopped at the MoneyTree to grab some money.  We got to the doctor's office, which was by the movie theater we've been to several times, and found out there was a cache there.  We went inside and he was seen immediately.  I walked over to the theater and grabbed a lamp skirt cache.  I walked back, used the bathroom and sat in the waiting room until he was done.  It probably took about 45 minutes.  We got back in the car and drove towards Granger.

I set the GPS to the dino coords and got off at the right exit and drove towards Main Street.  He had no idea there was a Main Street in Granger.  There were tons of dinosaurs in this little park.  We took several pictures, ones with Santa hat and ones without.  We had fun.  We continued around the town taking pictures of dinosaurs.  We got to the City Hall and found out there were 28 dinosaurs and 1 caveman.

Every June they have this build a dino in a day.  The first Saturday in June they build a new dinosaur in town.  I have considered this for next summer.

We finished the dino tour, grabbed some gas and Pepsi at the gas station, took a few more pictures of the dinosaurs and saw my 3rd 9/11 memorial this year.  He shared that there was a golf course nearby and his friend who coaches in Granger goes there frequently.  We stopped by and there was a putt putt also near the building.  We played 18 holes of putt putt and had a blast.  He had two holes in one and beat me by about 15 points or so.

We went back to Yakima after going to Walgreens and the Post Office store.  We got home and the dogs attacked us.  I started gathering my stuff and putting it in the van.  We talked about stuff as I was doing this.  I made sure I got everything I came with and then some.  He said it was too bad I worked tomorrow because he wanted me to stay longer.  He also said if he came across a job opportunity he would let me know.

I drove down the hill and got gas at the Arco.  Luckily, I had cash on me because it was a cash only way to pay without having to go inside.  I filled it up with 40 bucks and headed west.  There was already an accumulation of snow on the pass.  I was hoping I could still go over without any trouble.  It was amazing to see the weather change so dramatically in 145 miles.  It was dry until I reached Rimrock Lake.  It rained, then it snowed, then the snow started sticking to the road and then the snow was impacted into the road.  About 5 miles from the top of the pass, I rounded the corner and bam, a freaking semi truck was in the way of about 4 vehicles.  We finished going up the pass going about 20 miles an hour.  Are you kidding me?

We got up to the ski area and it was crazy snowing.  We started our descent and we went about 12 miles down until the semi pulled over and let us all by.  That's when I made up my time.  When I got closer to Packwood, it poured down rain.  I was so glad I was in a van instead of a car, the spray from the truck in front of me didn't faze me at all.  I got to Morton and called everyone to let them know I made it over.

I got to the Eatonville cut off and found out Hwy 7 is open again but it had its restrictions so I just went to Eatonville.  I got into town around 5:30 and headed over to Grandma's house to trade vehicles.  I went home, washed two loads of laundry, took a shower and mom brought home some KFC for dinner.  I watched a few shows and got ready for bed.  5:30 comes fast.

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