Tuesday, December 25

Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas!

I woke up around 8 to the sound of dad freaking out because the cars were still in the front yard and the smell of bacon.  I washed my face, grabbed some warm clothes and some keys and headed out the door.  I drove my car around back last night.  I got into mom's car and took it to the back.  Doug drove dad's car and parked it beside/behind it.  Doug's car had a flat tire so it stayed put.

People started to arrive around 9ish.  Grandma had called a little before that to tell us she didn't feel too good and she was going to stay home.

Dad had all the food out and we piled food on our plates, sat down, said grace and pigged out!  Our conversations at the table are always rather interesting.  From poop to the birds and the bees, to really weird work stories to the Titanic and Abraham Tinkin.  Yes, that is suppose to say Tinkin...long story.

We cleaned up and got the dish washer going and headed into the "Christmas room" and Karla started handing out presents to each of us.  I opened a hat, gloves, money, snowman figurine, candy, popcorn,  a hiking pole (which I asked for) a card table (also which I asked for) and a couple other random things.

Everyone gathered their stuff and went home to take naps and to get their portion of dinner ready for 5ish.  I really wanted to take a nap but Grandma called wanting us to bring soup over to her.  So mom and I took her soup and her presents.  We got there and I made her some soup and then we watched her open her presents.  We talked to her and watched some TV shows for a few hours just to keep her company.  We decided to go home just before the ham was done.

Everyone came over again around 5:15ish.  We had to wait until the ham reached its correct temperature.  Grammie brought rolls and sweet potatoes, Grandma gave us the salad and we provided everything else.  The ham was delicious.  We were too full for dessert so we ate it later.  No one really wanted to stay very long so everyone packed up and went home.  It was weird not playing any games.

We watched TV for a while and then went to bed.

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