Saturday, January 5

A Day in Seattle

Since it's a new year and people make changes in their lives, dad decided to finally do something to the back bedroom where Doug used to live.  He wants to change it into a sorta canning room/storage.  So that meant gathering up some of Doug's stuff and taking it to him in Seattle.  We decided on the next free weekend.   We put all of his clothes in his plastic storage bins he got for Christmas last year and set them aside until the weekend.   We decided to go this weekend since we had no plans and dad really wanted the stuff to be gone.

We called Doug after work on Friday telling him that we were coming up for a few hours.  He was like, okay.  We also told him mom really wanted to go to the ferris wheel.

Saturday morning we got up and gathered all the garbage to take to the dump.  Sonny was going to be here around 10.  He was also taking Grandma's garbage.  We hoped there was enough room for our cans...

We got the dolly and wheeled them to the back and Sonny was pulling in, perfect timing.  We got all but one.  Oh well.  We all piled in and headed to the dump.  There weren't that many people there so we didn't have to wait.  Some of those cans were freaking heavy.  I'm glad I didn't fall in.

He dropped us off at home and we started getting ready to go to Seattle.  I got all the stuff together we were going to take and drove towards Yelm to get gas.  On the way through Yelm, we got some money from the cash machine and off to I-5 we go!

I put in coordinates to an earthcache about a mile north of Doug's place.  It said we would get there around 12:50.  The drive up was excellent, no traffic.  Until we got to downtown.  It was chaos.  We weren't sure why either.  Then it cleared up and got horrible again as we crossed the bridge.  We got to our exit and drove over to the earthcache.  It was called the Wedgewood Erratic.

We parked right up next to it and took our pictures and inspected the thing.  We had to know how high it was and how big around it was.  To prevent armchair logging, they did require you to take your picture in front of it.

It was literally a rock in the middle of a large neighborhood in Seattle.  Quite random.

We drove the mile south back towards Doug's house.  We parked the car on the one way road and walked with the bins to his house.  Mom has only been here once.  We put his bins in his room, used the bathroom and went back to the car and headed towards downtown to the piers.  It's a good thing I kinda know my way around plus we had a GPS with us.

We got off the freeway and drove towards the waterfront.  I couldn't remember which street to take so we just picked one and went with it.  We picked one too close to Pike's Place Market and had to drive around the sea of people.  We finally got to where we needed to be, at the parking lot underneath the viaduct.  We found a spot, paid and walked along the piers.

We went to Ivar's fish bar and had lunch.  There were lots of seagulls outside begging for french fries.

We walked towards Pier 57, where the Seattle Great Wheel was.  I remember seeing this the first time when I came with Shauna to the Rent play back in July.  We got in line and bought our tickets.

When it was our turn, we were told to go to #39.  Once everyone was on for that round, we went around a full 3 cycles.  The views were awesome.

We got off and walked up to Pike's Place Market just for fun.  Mom wanted to go so we walked around with her.  We looked at all the stuff people we're selling, the gum wall and of course mom's fudge/carmel apple place.

It was getting dark and our time on the meter was almost up.  We wanted to get a picture of the 12th man flag on top of the Space Needle before we left.

Go Seahawks!

We dropped Doug off at home.  His roommates were all home getting ready to figure out what to do for the night.  I grabbed some of the beer cans to recycle and mom and I were on our way home.

We stopped by the Walmart at Hawks Prairie for a few things we were out of and were finally on our way home.  We listened to the Green Bay/Minnesota game.  Packers won.

We got home, relaxed and watched some TV.

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