Friday, November 30

My Yakima Visit, November 30

5:30 am is the worst time of the day.  I have the hardest time getting up and it doesn't even matter what time I got to bed the night before, it is always hard to get up for.  I didn't sleep well the night before anyway because I worried about the weather on the pass and possibly Grandma changing her mind about me borrowing her van to drive across the pass.  Oh well, one foot in front of the other today and to keep myself moving.

We threw the recycle into the car, I made my blueberry bagel because someone ate some of my cereal and did not close it, so it got stale.  Huge pet peeve.  Climbed in and headed to work, in the dark.

I kept myself busy majority of the time.  We had our reviews with Dr. Smith starting yesterday and wrapping it up today with the three of us who were left to do them.  Carrie's wasn't done yet so she finished hers around 10.  I was worried I would get the last interview again and have to wait around.  I needed to leave before 1 so I could get to Yakima before dark.  So I ran upstairs and asked Dr. Smith if I could have my review next.  He was on board.

There weren't any negatives to my work ethic, which was nice because several people cried during their reviews yesterday.  He asked me what my duties were, how my life was going and he gave me a dollar raise!  He may add hours to my week and I might get my own locker.  The only negative thing he had to say, which wasn't really that negative, was an OSHA thing with my uniform.  I had to wear long lab jackets if I wanted to take my clothes home.  Which was okay, I just didn't think I mattered enough to have lab jackets. So I got a raise, possibly more hours and two long lab jackets and a locker out of my review.   I would say I kicked Friday's butt.

We got the rest of our stuff done and headed out.  We dropped by the post office, went to the recycle, our post office to send Erika and Amy's packages and headed home.  I ate a couple bites of last night's dinner and hurried to pack up my stuff so I could get on the road.  I hoped I got everything.

I got over to Grandma's house and put my stuff in there.  I told her thank you for letting me use the van again.  I drove into Yelm and got gas.  Everyone and their dog were getting gas the same time I needed to.  Luckily, I snuck in there and left before it got crazier.

I was finally on my way and I was very tired.  I hated going through Eatonville but there was a cache just before the bridge on the other side of town I stopped for.  A quick guard rail cache.  To Hwy 7 I go.  I was so happy I did not have to follow anyone.  I did have to pass a motor home on my way to Morton.  Grandma's van drove very smooth.  It made my drive over less stressful.  I got to Hwy 12 and had to follow a semi truck for a while until I could pass and after that no problems.  Driving over the pass was as simple as driving over it in the summer time.  There was some snow but it was mostly near the ski area.  There were no cars or no one skiing.  Down the pass we went.  I gained about 7 minutes on the way down which was nice.

I got into Naches and called everyone to tell them I made it over.  I got into Yakima and it was starting to get dark.  I pulled up next to their driveway and got out and heard a hisssss.  Lame, the right rear tire was flat.  I've never gotten a flat tire.  I guess it was bound to happen since I have driven back and forth a lot from Pullman and Yakima in the last 10 years.  I walked into the house and was immediately attacked by the two crazy dogs.

They eventually settled down and Willmarth's voice came back from the surgery and being under anesthesia so we talked about some stuff.  I brought my stuff in from the van and then had pizza for dinner while we watched the Pac-12 championship football game.  Time got away from us and it was about midnight when I decided to call it quits and go to bed.  It had been a long day.

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