Friday, February 22

Chickens 2013

After work this afternoon, we decided to get a few more chickens.  One, to replace the Rhode Island Reds that had died earlier last year, two we have a australorp chicken who wants to lay and has been all week and three, they are just too darn cute.

We went to Dell's and picked out a few.  We originally wanted four but I guess we had to buy six of them.  We got some baby chicken food and a new water container and paid for everything.  We got them home, put them in a container with a light and cedar shavings, gave them food and water and they will live in the bathroom for a day.

I put two Easter eggs underneath the chicken who is laying just to make it seem like she is hatching eggs when we slip her all six baby chickens.  We have never done this before but have heard from other people it does work.

I guess we will find out tomorrow night if it works or not.

**Update** 2/23/2013

We successfully put all six chickens underneath momma chicken and she accepted them like her own.

**Update**  2/25/2013

We put momma chicken and her babies inside the other pen to be isolated from the other chickens.  They will be in there for a few months until they get big enough to merge them in with the other chickens.

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